
[͵dısəʹgri:] v
1. расходиться, не соответствовать; противоречить

to disagree with the facts - не соответствовать /противоречить/ фактам

the accounts disagree - счета не сходятся

the reports of the affair disagreed - описания этого события не совпадали

2. 1) расходиться во мнениях, не соглашаться

to disagree with an opinion - не соглашаться с мнением

to disagree with smb. over a matter - расходиться с кем-л. во мнениях по какому-л. вопросу

to disagree with smb. on the issue - быть несогласным с кем-л. в (этом) вопросе

I disagree - я не согласен; я думаю иначе

2) спорить, ссориться

we always disagree - мы вечно спорим /ссоримся/

3. (to, with) не давать согласия

to disagree to amendment - не соглашаться на поправку, отвергать поправку

4. (with) быть противопоказанным, вредным; оказывать плохое действие

to disagree with one's digestion - плохо действовать на желудок

the climate disagrees with him /with his health/ - этот климат для него вреден /ему противопоказан/

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "disagree" в других словарях:

  • disagree — dis‧a‧gree [ˌdɪsəˈgriː] verb [intransitive] 1. to have or express a different opinion from someone : disagree on/​about/​over • They disagree on how much the project will cost disagree with • Some of the team disagreed with him, but they were too …   Financial and business terms

  • Disagree — Dis a*gree (d[i^]s [.a]*gr[=e] ), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Disagreed} (d[i^]s [.a]*gr[=e]d ); p. pr. & vb. n. {Disagreeing}.] [Pref. dis + agree: cf. F. d[ e]sagr[ e]er to displease.] 1. To fail to accord; not to agree; to lack harmony; to differ; to …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • disagree — [v1] be different be discordant, be dissimilar, clash, conflict, contradict, counter, depart, deviate, differ, discord, disharmonize, dissent, diverge, run counter to, vary, war; concept 665 Ant. agree, coincide, harmonize disagree [v2] argue;… …   New thesaurus

  • disagree — ► VERB (disagrees, disagreed, disagreeing) 1) have a different opinion. 2) be inconsistent. 3) (disagree with) make slightly unwell. DERIVATIVES disagreement noun …   English terms dictionary

  • disagree — [dis΄ə grē′] vi. disagreed, disagreeing [LME disagre < OFr desagreer: see DIS & AGREE] 1. to fail to agree; be different; differ 2. to differ in opinion; often, specif., to quarrel or dispute 3. to be harmful or give distress or discomfort:… …   English World dictionary

  • disagree — I verb argue, battle, be at variance, be contrary, be discordant, be disunited, be in opposition, be of different opinions, be opposed, bicker, break with, cavil, challenge, clash, collide, conflict, confute, contest, contradict, contravene,… …   Law dictionary

  • disagree — late 15c., refuse to assent, from O.Fr. desagreer (12c.), from des (see DIS (Cf. dis )) + agreer (see AGREE (Cf. agree)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • disagree — *differ, vary, dissent Analogous words: *object, protest: *demur, balk, jib: *disapprove, deprecate: conflict, clash (see BUMP) Antonyms: agree Contrasted words: accord, harmonize (see AGREE): concur, coincide (see …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • disagree — verb ADVERB ▪ emphatically (esp. AmE), passionately, profoundly, sharply, strenuously, strongly, vehemently, vigorously, violently, wholeheartedly …   Collocations dictionary

  • disagree — [[t]dɪ̱səgri͟ː[/t]] disagrees, disagreeing, disagreed 1) V RECIP If you disagree with someone or disagree with what they say, you do not accept that what they say is true or correct. You can also say that two people disagree. [V with n] You must… …   English dictionary

  • disagree */*/ — UK [ˌdɪsəˈɡriː] / US [ˌdɪsəˈɡrɪ] verb [intransitive] Word forms disagree : present tense I/you/we/they disagree he/she/it disagrees present participle disagreeing past tense disagreed past participle disagreed Ways of expressing disagreement: I m …   English dictionary

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