- dinner ware
- [ʹdınə͵weə]
столовая посуда; столовое серебро
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Dinner — Als Abendessen (auch Abendmahlzeit oder Abendbrot, süddeutsch und schweizerisch: Nachtessen, Znacht, ost österreichisch; Nachtmahl, Vesper) bezeichnet man eine in den späten Tagesstunden eingenommene Mahlzeit beliebiger Art. Zeitpunkt und Umfang… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Henry Ware Lawton — Major General Henry Ware Lawton Born March 17, 1843( … Wikipedia
Ridgway ware — ▪ pottery type of Staffordshire pottery first produced by the brothers Job and George Ridgway in 1792 at the Bell Works at Shelton, Hanley, North Staffordshire, Eng. Despite family tensions, the Ridgways continued to produce their high… … Universalium
Zürich ware — ▪ pottery faience (tin glazed earthenware), faience fine (lead glazed earthenware), and porcelain made at a factory near Zürich founded in 1763 by Salomon Gessner and others. The faience was at first painted in a style similar to that of… … Universalium
din|ner|ware — «DIHN uhr WAIR», noun. the plates, platter, and other dishes for serving dinner … Useful english dictionary
Mason ware — ▪ pottery a sturdy English pottery known as Mason s Patent Ironstone China. It was first produced by C.J. Mason & Company in 1813 to provide a cheap substitute for Chinese porcelain, especially the larger vases. The decoration was a kind of … Universalium
din·ner·ware — /ˈdınɚˌweɚ/ noun [noncount] chiefly US : plates, bowls, glasses, etc., that are used for serving and eating dinner … Useful english dictionary
Midwinter Pottery — Former type Private company (subsidiary of Wedgwood Group) Industry Pottery Founded 1910 Defunct 1987 Headquarters Burslem, Stok … Wikipedia
ГОСТ Р ИСО 6486-2-2007: Посуда керамическая, стеклокерамическая и стеклянная столовая, используемая в контакте с пищей. Выделение свинца и кадмия. Часть 2. Допустимые пределы — Терминология ГОСТ Р ИСО 6486 2 2007: Посуда керамическая, стеклокерамическая и стеклянная столовая, используемая в контакте с пищей. Выделение свинца и кадмия. Часть 2. Допустимые пределы оригинал документа: 3.2 атомная абсорбция (atomic… … Словарь-справочник терминов нормативно-технической документации
Welsh dresser — A Welsh dresser on display in Bedford Museum A Welsh dresser (British English) or a china hutch (American English) and sometimes known as a kitchen dresser or pewter cupboard, is a piece of wooden furniture consisting of drawers and cupboards in… … Wikipedia
Grandma Moses — Grandma Moses, 1953 Birth name Anna Mary Robertson Born September 7, 1860(186 … Wikipedia