Dimidiate — Di*mid i*ate, a. [L. dimidiatus, p. p. of dimidiare to halve, fr. dimidius half. See {Demi }.] 1. Divided into two equal parts; reduced to half in shape or form. [1913 Webster] 2. (Biol.) (a) Consisting of only one half of what the normal… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Dimidiate — Di*mid i*ate, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Dimidiated}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Dimidiating}.] 1. To divide into two equal parts. [Obs.] Cockeram. [1913 Webster] 2. (Her.) To represent the half of; to halve. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
dimidiate — [di mid′ē āt΄, dīkmid′ē āt΄] adj. 〚< L dimidiatus, pp. of dimidiare, to divide into halves < dimidium, a half < dis , apart, from + medius, MID1〛 1. halved 2 … Universalium
dimidiate — index bifurcate Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
dimidiate — [di mid′ē āt΄, dīkmid′ē āt΄] adj. [< L dimidiatus, pp. of dimidiare, to divide into halves < dimidium, a half < dis , apart, from + medius, MID1] 1. halved 2. Biol. having only one half developed 3. Bot. split on one side, as the… … English World dictionary
dimidiate — I. də̇ˈmidēˌāt transitive verb ( ed/ ing/ s) Etymology: Latin dimidiatus, past participle of dimidiare, from di (from dis apart) + midiare (from medius mid) more at dis … Useful english dictionary
dimidiate — adj. [L. dimidius, half] 1. Divided into two equal parts. 2. Only one half the normal development. 3. (ARTHROPODA: Insecta) Having an elytra that covers only half the abdomen … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
dimidiate — 1. adjective divided into two (generally unequal) halves 2. verb To divide into two See Also: dimidiation … Wiktionary
dimidiate — adj. divided into two equal parts; reduced to halves v. divide into halves; represent the half … English contemporary dictionary
dimidiate — di·mid·i·ate … English syllables
dimidiate — verb (t) /dəˈmɪdieɪt/ (say duh mideeayt) (dimidiated, dimidiating) 1. to divide into halves; reduce to half. –adjective /dəˈmɪdiət/ (say duh mideeuht) 2. divided into halves. 3. Biology having only one side or one half fully developed. {Latin… …