- algonquian
- 1. [ælʹgɒŋkwıən] n
1. = Algonquin 12. лингв.1) алгонкинские языки2) (собственно) алгонкинский язык2. [ælʹgɒŋkwıən] aалгонкинский; относящийся к алгонкинам
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Algonquian — Al*gon qui*an, a. Pertaining to or designating the most extensive of the linguistic families of North American Indians, their territory formerly including practically all of Canada east of the 115th meridian and south of Hudson s Bay and the part … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Algonquian — 1885, an ethnologist s word, modified from ALGONQUIN (Cf. Algonquin) + IAN (Cf. ian). Both forms of the name have been used as adjectives and nouns … Etymology dictionary
Algonquian — [al gäŋ′kē ən, al gän′kē ən, al gäŋ′kwē ən, al gän′kwē ən] adj. [< ALGONQUIN: coined (1891) by J. W. Powell] designating or of a widespread family of over twenty languages spoken by North American Indian peoples, including the Arapaho,… … English World dictionary
Algonquian — or Algonquin or Algonkian; also Algonkin noun Etymology: Canadian French Algoumequin, Algonquin, perhaps from Malecite Passamaquoddy (Algonquian language of Maine and New Brunswick) elakómkwik they are our relatives Date: 1625 1. (usually… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Algonquian — /al gong kee euhn, kwee euhn/, n., pl. Algonquians, (esp. collectively) Algonquian for 2, adj. n. 1. a family of languages spoken now or formerly by American Indians in an area extending from Labrador westward to the Rocky Mountains, west… … Universalium
Algonquian — n. family of languages spoken by North American Indians (also Algonkian) n. member of the Algonquian tribe (North American Indian tribe) adj. of or pertaining to the North American Indian tribe … English contemporary dictionary
Algonquian — [al gɒŋkwɪən, kɪ ] (also Algonkian kɪən) noun 1》 a large family of North American Indian languages, including Cree, Blackfoot, and Cheyenne. 2》 a speaker of any of these languages. adjective relating to Algonquian or its speakers … English new terms dictionary
Algonquian — Al•gon•qui•an [[t]ælˈgɒŋ ki ən, kwi ən[/t]] also Al•gon•ki•an [[t] ki ən[/t]] n. 1) peo a family of American Indian languages spoken by nearly all the peoples of NE North America except the Iroquoians, from Labrador S to North Carolina and W to… … From formal English to slang
Algonquian — /ælˈgɒŋkiən/ (say al gongkeeuhn) noun 1. one of the principal linguistic stocks of North America. 2. an Algonquian speaking person. –adjective 3. belonging to or constituting this stock. Also, Algonkian …
Algonquian language — may refer to:* Algonquian languages, language sub family indigenous to North America * Algonquin language, the particular Algonquian language spoken by certain First Nations people of Canada … Wikipedia
Algonquian-Wakashan languages — Algonquian Wakashan (also Almosan, Algonkian Mosan, Algonkin Wakashan) is a hypothetical language phylum composed of several established language families that was proposed by Edward Sapir in 1929. His proposal consists of the following:I. Algic… … Wikipedia