- algerian
- 1. [ælʹdʒı(ə)rıən] n
алжирец; алжирка2. [ælʹdʒı(ə)rıən] a
the Algerians - собир. алжирцы
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
the Algerians - собир. алжирцы
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Algerian — (literalmente argelino en inglés) es una tipografía del tipo serif. El diseño de la tipografía es propiedad de Linotype, mientras que el nombre Algerian es una marca registrada de la International Typeface Corporation. Algerian viene de dos… … Wikipedia Español
Algerian — may refer to: * Something of, or related to Algeria * A person or people from Algeria, or of Algerian descent. For information about the Algerian people, see Demographics of Algeria and Culture of Algeria. For specific Algerians, see List of… … Wikipedia
algerian — ALGERIÁN, Ă, algerieni, e, s.m. şi f., adj. 1. s.m. şi f. Persoană care face parte din populaţia de bază a Algeriei. 2. adj. Care aparţine Algeriei sau poporului ei, privitor la Algeria sau la poporul ei. [pr.: ri an] – Din fr. algérien. Trimis… … Dicționar Român
Algerian — Al*ge ri*an, a. Of or pertaining to Algeria. n. A native of Algeria. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Algerian — ► NOUN ▪ a person from Algeria. ► ADJECTIVE ▪ relating to Algeria … English terms dictionary
Algerian — [[t]æ̱lʤɪ͟əriən[/t]] ♦♦♦ Algerians 1) ADJ Algerian means belonging or relating to Algeria, or its people or culture. ...the Algerian desert. ...a young Algerian actor. 2) N COUNT An Algerian is an Algerian citizen or a person of Algerian origin … English dictionary
Algerian — /al jear ee euhn/, adj. 1. of or pertaining to Algeria or its inhabitants. n. 2. a native or inhabitant of Algeria. Also, Algerine. [1870 75; ALGERI(A) + AN] * * * (as used in expressions) Algerian Reformist Ulama Association of Algerian War… … Universalium
Algerian — 1. noun A person from Algeria or of Algerian descent. 2. adjective Of, from, or pertaining to Algeria or the Algerian people … Wiktionary
Algerian — Al·ge·ri·an || æl dʒɪrɪən / dʒɪə n. resident or native of Algeria, one of Algerian origin adj. of or pertaining to Algeria … English contemporary dictionary
Algerian — I noun a native or inhabitant of Algeria • Hypernyms: ↑African • Member Holonyms: ↑Algeria, ↑Algerie, ↑Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria II adjective of or relatin … Useful english dictionary
Algerian wine — is wine made from the North African country of Algeria. While not a significant force on the world s wine market today, Algeria has played an important role in the history of wine. Algeria s viticultural history dates back to its settlement by… … Wikipedia