
[ʹdıkæst] n ист.
выборный судья (в Афинах)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "dicast" в других словарях:

  • Dicast — Di cast, n. [Gr. ?, fr. ? to judge, ? right, judgment, justice.] A functionary in ancient Athens answering nearly to the modern juryman. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • dicast — [dī′kast΄, dik′ast΄] n. [Gr dikastēs < dikazein, to pass judgment < dikē, right, law, justice, akin to L dicere: see DICTION] in ancient Athens, any of a large group of citizens chosen annually to serve as a court hearing cases …   English World dictionary

  • dicast — noun Etymology: Greek dikastēs, from dikazein to judge, from dikē judgment more at diction Date: 1820 an ancient Athenian performing the functions of both judge and juror at a trial …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • dicast — /duy kast, dik ast/, n. (in ancient Athens) a citizen eligible to sit as a judge. [1700 10; < Gk dikastés a juryman, equiv. to *dikad , base of dikázein to judge, determine (deriv. of díke right, law, order) + tes agentive suffix] * * * …   Universalium

  • dicast — di·cast …   English syllables

  • dicast — di•cast [[t]ˈdaɪ kæst, ˈdɪk æst[/t]] n. anh (in ancient Athens) one of 6000 citizens chosen by lot each year to sit as a judge • Etymology: 1700–10; < Gk dikastḗs …   From formal English to slang

  • dicast — /daykast/ An officer in ancient Greece answering in some respects to our juryman, but combining, on trials had before them, the functions of both judge and jury. The dicasts sat together in numbers varying, according to the importance of the case …   Black's law dictionary

  • dicast — /daykast/ An officer in ancient Greece answering in some respects to our juryman, but combining, on trials had before them, the functions of both judge and jury. The dicasts sat together in numbers varying, according to the importance of the case …   Black's law dictionary

  • dicast — …   Useful english dictionary

  • Dikastes — Dicast redirects here. For the process of casting dies with molten metal, see die casting. Dikastes (Greek: δικαστής, pl. δικασταί) was a legal office in ancient Greece that signified, in the broadest sense, a judge or juror, but more… …   Wikipedia

  • Dicastery — Di*cas ter*y, n. [Gr. ?, fr. ? juryman. See {Dicast}.] A court of justice; judgment hall. [R.] J. S. Mill. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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