- diatribe
- [ʹdaıətraıb] n книжн.
диатриба; резкая обличительная речь
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
diatribe — [ djatrib ] n. f. • 1734; « dissertation critique » 1558; lat. diatriba, gr. diatribê « discussion d école » ♦ Critique amère, violente, le plus souvent sur un ton injurieux. ⇒ attaque, factum, libelle, pamphlet, satire. Se lancer dans une longue … Encyclopédie Universelle
Diatribe — Di a*tribe (?; 277), n. [L. diatriba a learned discussion, Gr. ?, prop., a wearing away of time, fr. ? to rub away, spend time; dia through + ? to rub: cf. L. terere, F. trite: cf. F. diatribe.] A prolonged or exhaustive discussion; especially,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Diatribe — may refer to: Diatribe (newspaper column), a weekly newspaper column Diatribe (band), an industrial rock group from the 1990s This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the same title. If an internal l … Wikipedia
diatribe — 1640s (in Latin form in English from 1580s), discourse, critical dissertation, from Fr. diatribe (15c.), from L. diatriba learned discussion, from Gk. diatribe employment, study, in Plato, discourse, lit. a wearing away (of time), from dia away… … Etymology dictionary
diatribe — [dī′ə trīb΄] n. [Fr < L diatriba, learned discussion < Gr diatribē, a wearing away < diatribein < dia , through + tribein, to rub, akin to L terere, to rub: see THROW] a bitter, abusive criticism or denunciation … English World dictionary
Diatrĭbe — (gr.), 1) Abhandlung; 2) tadelnde, schmähende Kritik über eine Schrift … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Diatrībe — (griech.), gelehrte oder schulmäßige Abhandlung, insbes. eine kritische Streitschrift … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Diatribe — Diatrībe (grch.), gelehrte Abhandlung, bes. literar. kritische Streitschrift … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Diatribe — Diatribe, griech., gelehrte Erörterung, kleine Abhandlung, besonders eine gelehrt thuende bittere Streit oder Schmähschrift. Bekannt ist die D., welche Voltaire unter dem Titel des Doktors Akakia, Leibarztes des Papstes, gegen Maupertuis losließ … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
diatribe — I noun abuse, abusive harangue, abusive language, accusation, act of berating, admonition, adverse comment, animadversion, backbiting, bitter harangue, bitter words, blame, carping, castigation, censure, chiding, complaining, condemnation,… … Law dictionary
diatribe — DIATRIBE. s. fém. Dissertation. Il s emploie principalement dans le genre polémique, et désigne quelquefois Une critique amère et violente … Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798