

1> с огранкой бриллианта, имеющий огранку бриллианта

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "diamondcut" в других словарях:

  • Brilliant (diamond cut) — A brilliant is a diamond or other gemstone, cut in a particular form with numerous facets so as to have especial brilliancy. The shape resembles that of a cone and is meant to maximize light return through the top of the diamond.Even with modern… …   Wikipedia

  • Diamond Cut Audio Restoration Tools — Diamond Cut Audio Resotration Tools Developer(s) Craig Maier and Rick Carlson of Diamond Cut Productions …   Wikipedia

  • Diamond Cut Productions — is an American company founded by Craig Maier and Rick Carlson in 1986 87 with the aim of preserving many of the original test pressing recordings made at the Edison Laboratories during the 1920s. Diamond Cut Productions is the author of the… …   Wikipedia

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