- diaeresis
- [͵daıʹıərısıs] n лингв.
1. раздельное произношение двух гласных2. трема (знак над гласной для обозначения её слоговой роли, напр. naïve)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Diaeresis — or dieresis (both pronounced /daɪˈɛrɪs … Wikipedia
Diaeresis — Di*[ae]r e*sis, Dieresis Di*er e*sis (?; 277), n.; pl. {Di[ae]reses} or {Diereses}. [L. diaeresis, Gr. ?, fr. ? to divide; dia through, asunder + ? to take. See {Heresy}.] 1. (Gram.) The separation or resolution of one syllable into two; the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Diaeresis — vgl. Diärese … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke
diaeresis — diaeresis, dieresis noun plural diaereses, (C) technical a sign (¨) put over the second of two vowels to show that it is pronounced separately from the first … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
diaeresis — (US dieresis) ► NOUN (pl. diaereses) ▪ a mark (¨) placed over a vowel to indicate that it is sounded separately, as in naïve. ORIGIN Greek diairesis separation … English terms dictionary
diaeresis — [dī er′ə sis] n. alt. sp. of DIERESIS … English World dictionary
Diaeresis — Beispiel eines Tremas auf e und i. Der verwendete Schriftsatz ist Garamond Das Trema (Plural: Tremata), auch „Trennpunkte“ genannt, ist ein diakritisches Zeichen in Form eines horizontalen Doppelpunktes über einem Vokal. Die Umlautpunkte auf den… … Deutsch Wikipedia
diaeresis — UK [daɪˈerəsɪs] / US noun [countable] Word forms diaeresis : singular diaeresis plural diaereses linguistics the symbol ¨ put above a vowel to show that it is pronounced separately from another vowel, for example in the word naïve … English dictionary
diaeresis — or dieresis noun (plural diaereses) Etymology: Late Latin diaeresis, from Greek diairesis, literally, division, from diairein to divide, from dia + hairein to take Date: circa 1611 1. a mark ¨ placed over a vowel to indicate that the vowel is … New Collegiate Dictionary
diaeresis — diaeretic /duy euh ret ik/, adj. /duy er euh sis/, n., pl. diaereses / seez /. dieresis. * * * ▪ prosody also spelled Dieresis (from Greek diairein, “to divide”), the resolution of one syllable into two, especially by separating the vowel … Universalium
diaeresis — Диэрезис (Diaresis, Diaeresis, Trema, Umlaut) Один из верхних акцентов [надстрочный или подстрочный знак] над гласным в виде двух точек. В немецком языке этот акцент называется умлаут, а во всех остальных диэрезис или трема (по его… … Шрифтовая терминология