- development laboratory
- [dıʹveləpməntlə͵bɒrətrı]
исследовательская лаборатория; конструкторское бюро
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
United States Army Engineer Research and Development Laboratory — Le United States Army Engineer Research and Development Laboratory est un centre de recherche du Corps des ingénieurs de l armée des États Unis situé à Fort Belvoir, en Virginie[1]. Entre autres choses, il a été à l origine de la création du… … Wikipédia en Français
United States Army Engineer Research and Development Laboratory — The United States Army Engineer Research and Development Laboratory was a US Army Corps of Engineers research facility located at Fort Belvoir, Virginia. [ [http://gsl.erdc.usace.army.mil/gl history/Chap4.htm GL History Chapter 4 ] ] It was… … Wikipedia
Nematology development laboratory — A Nematology development laboratory is located at Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India, in the Department of Zoology. Nematodes are the ubiquitous metazoans found in all diverse ecosystem on earth from deep ocean to mountains top. The… … Wikipedia
Laboratory B in Sungul’ — was one of the laboratories under the 9th Chief Directorate of the NKVD (MVD after 1946) that contributed to the Soviet atomic bomb project. It was created in 1946 and closed in 1955, when some of its personnel were merged with the second Soviet… … Wikipedia
Laboratory automation — is a multi disciplinary strategy to research, develop, optimize and capitalize on technologies in the laboratory that enable new and improved processes. Laboratory automation professionals are academic, commercial and government researchers,… … Wikipedia
Laboratory of Molecular Biology — The Laboratory of Molecular Biology (or LMB) is a research institute in Cambridge, England, which was at the forefront of the revolution in molecular biology which occurred in the 1950 60s, since then it remains a major medical research… … Wikipedia
Laboratory school — For the school located at Baton Rouge, Louisiana, see Louisiana State University Laboratory School For the school located at Tarlac City, Philippines, see Laboratory School (Philippines) A laboratory school is one which follows a model of… … Wikipedia
Laboratory of Nano and Quantum Engineering — The Laboratory of Nano and Quantum Engineering (LNQE) is an interdisciplinary research center for nanotechnology of the University of Hanover in Germany. Goals Goals are both excellent basic research, and applied engineering on the nano scale… … Wikipedia
Laboratory Schools of the University of Iowa — ▪ schools, Iowa City, Iowa, United States elementary and secondary schools founded in Iowa City in 1916 to experiment with curriculum development and to serve as model schools for Iowa. Over the next several decades the schools exercised… … Universalium
Laboratory for Laser Energetics — LLE redirects here. For other uses, see LLE (disambiguation). Laboratory for Laser Energetics Motto A unique national resource … Wikipedia
laboratory — laboratorial, adj. laboratorially, adv. laboratorian, n. /lab reuh tawr ee, tohr ee, lab euhr euh /; Brit. /leuh bor euh teuh ree, euh tree/, n., pl. laboratories, adj. n. 1. a building, part of a building, or other place equipped to conduct… … Universalium