Desperately — may refer to: Desperately (George Strait song) Desperately (Don Williams song) Desperately (album), by Barrabás This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the same title. If an inte … Wikipedia
Desperately — Des per*ate*ly, adv. In a desperate manner; without regard to danger or safety; recklessly; extremely; as, the troops fought desperately. [1913 Webster] She fell desperately in love with him. Addison. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
desperately — [adv1] severely badly, carelessly, dangerously, dramatically, fiercely, gravely, greatly, harmfully, hysterically, like crazy*, like mad*, perilously, seriously; concept 569 Ant. calmly, easily, trivially desperately [adv2] frightfully… … New thesaurus
desperately — des|pe|rate|ly [ˈdespərıtli] adv 1.) in a desperate way ▪ The doctors tried desperately to save her life. ▪ He looked round desperately for someone to help him. 2.) very or very much desperately want/need ▪ The crops desperately need rain.… … Dictionary of contemporary English
desperately — adverb 1 in a desperate way: He looked round desperately for someone to help him. | try desperately: The doctors were trying desperately to save her life. 2 very much: Joe s work is desperately important to him. | desperately need: He desperately … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
desperately — adverb Date: circa 1547 1. in a desperate manner < struggling desperately > 2. extremely, terribly < desperately tired > < desperately important > … New Collegiate Dictionary
desperately — des|per|ate|ly [ desp(ə)rətli ] adverb ** 1. ) in a very worried or angry way: She tried desperately to push him away. 2. ) very much: John desperately wanted to go to college. a ) very: I was desperately lonely … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
desperately — adverb 1) he screamed desperately for help Syn: in desperation, in despair, despairingly, in anguish, in distress; wretchedly, hopelessly, desolately, forlornly 2) they are desperately ill Syn: seriously, critically … Thesaurus of popular words
desperately */*/ — UK [ˈdesp(ə)rət(ə)lɪ] / US adverb 1) in a very worried or angry way She tried desperately to push him away. 2) a) very much John desperately wanted to go to university. b) very I was desperately lonely … English dictionary
desperately — adv. Desperately is used with these adjectives: ↑afraid, ↑anxious, ↑disappointed, ↑disappointing, ↑homesick, ↑hungry, ↑ill, ↑keen, ↑lonely, ↑nervous, ↑sad, ↑ … Collocations dictionary
desperately — adverb 1. with great urgency (Freq. 9) health care reform is needed urgently the soil desperately needed potash • Syn: ↑urgently • Derived from adjective: ↑desperate, ↑urgent ( … Useful english dictionary