
1. [ʹdezıgnıt] a
назначенный, но ещё не вступивший в должность

Ambassador Designate - посол, назначенный президентом, но ещё не утверждённый сенатом (США)

2. [ʹdezıgneıt] v
1. определять, устанавливать; указывать

to designate the boundaries of a country - установить границы страны

2. обозначать, называть

to designate smth. by a number - обозначать что-л. числом /номером/

to designate smb. (as) the greatest poet - назвать кого-л. величайшим поэтом

3. означать; предвещать

that designates a coming snowstorm - это предвещает буран /метель/

his dress designated (that he was) a person of importance - судя по платью, это была важная персона

4. назначать

to designate an officer for /to/ a post - назначить офицера на пост

to designate smb. as one's successor - назначить кого-л. своим преемником

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "designate" в других словарях:

  • Designate — Des ig*nate, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Designated}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Designating}.] 1. To mark out and make known; to point out; to name; to indicate; to show; to distinguish by marks or description; to specify; as, to designate the boundaries of a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • designate — I verb appoint, assign, authorize, be specific, characterize, choose, commission, declare, define, denominate, denote, designare, detail, determine, discriminate, earmark, enter into detail, entitle, express, fix, formulate, indicate, itemize,… …   Law dictionary

  • designate — designate, name, nominate, elect, appoint are comparable in the sense to declare a person one s choice for incumbency of an office, position, post, or benefice. Designate implies selection by the person or body having the power to choose an… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • designate — [v1] name, entitle baptize, call, christen, cognominate, denominate, dub, label, nickname, nominate, style, term, title; concept 62 designate [v2] specify as selection allocate, allot, appoint, apportion, appropriate, assign, authorize, button… …   New thesaurus

  • designate — ► VERB 1) officially give a specified status or name to; describe as. 2) appoint to a specified position. ► ADJECTIVE (after a noun ) ▪ appointed to an office or position but not yet installed: the Director designate. DERIVATIVES designator noun …   English terms dictionary

  • designate — [dez′ig nāt΄; ] for adj. [, dez′ignit, dez′ignāt΄] adj. [ME < L designatus, pp. of designare: see DESIGN] named for an office, etc. but not yet in it [ambassador designate] vt. designated, designating 1. to point out; mark out; indicate;… …   English World dictionary

  • Designate — Des ig*nate, a. [L. designatus, p. p. of designare. See {Design}, v. t.] Designated; appointed; chosen. [R.] Sir G. Buck. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • designate — 1640s (adj.), from L. designatus, pp. of designare (see DESIGN (Cf. design)). As a verb, from 1791, from the adjective or else a back formation from DESIGNATION (Cf. designation) …   Etymology dictionary

  • designate — ▪ I. designate des‧ig‧nate 1 [ˈdezɪgneɪt] verb [transitive] JOBS to choose someone or something for a particular job or purpose: • Mr Timmer has been designated to succeed Mr van der Klugt. • The government designated the aircraft industry as a… …   Financial and business terms

  • designate — designates, designating, designated (The verb is pronounced [[t]de̱zɪgneɪt[/t]]. The adjective is pronounced [[t]de̱zɪgnət[/t]].) 1) VERB When you designate someone or something, you formally give them a particular description or name. [V n as n] …   English dictionary

  • designate — I. adjective Etymology: Latin designatus, past participle of designare Date: 1629 chosen but not yet installed < ambassador designate > II. transitive verb ( nated; nating) Date: 1639 1. to indicate and set apart for a spec …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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