- descry
- [dısʹkraı] v
1. 1) книжн. рассмотреть, различить, заметить (особ. издали)
to descry a house in the distance - разглядеть вдалеке дом
2) поэт. увидеть2. обнаружить
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
to descry a house in the distance - разглядеть вдалеке дом
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Descry — De*scry , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Descried}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Descrying}.] [OE. descrien, discrien, to espy, prob. from the proclaiming of what was espied, fr. OF. descrier to proclaim, cry down, decry, F. d[ e]crier. The word was confused somewhat… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Descry — De*scry , n. Discovery or view, as of an army seen at a distance. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Near, and on speedy foot; the main descry Stands on the hourly thought. Shak. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
descry — ► VERB (descries, descried) literary ▪ catch sight of. ORIGIN perhaps confused with obsolete descry describe , related to DESCRIBE(Cf. ↑describer) … English terms dictionary
descry — index ascertain, comprehend (understand), detect, discern (detect with the senses), discover, expose, identify … Law dictionary
descry — espy, *see, behold, observe, notice, remark, note, perceive, discern, view, survey, contemplate … New Dictionary of Synonyms
descry — [di skrī′] vt. descried, descrying [ME descrien < OFr descrier, to proclaim < des , from + crier: see CRY] 1. to catch sight of; discern (distant or obscure objects) 2. to look for and discover; detect SYN. SEE1 … English World dictionary
descry — {{11}}descry (1) to see, discern, c.1300, probably from O.Fr. descrier publish (Mod.Fr. décrier), from L. describere (see DESCRIBE (Cf. describe)). {{12}}descry (2) to proclaim, mid 14c., from O.Fr. descrier, from des (see … Etymology dictionary
descry — decry, descry are related in origin but now have widely different meanings. To decry something is to disparage or deplore it • (She decries the spread of tower blocks and the failure to turn derelict sites into green spaces Evening Standard,… … Modern English usage
descry — [dɪ skrʌɪ] verb (descries, descrying, descried) literary catch sight of. Origin ME: OFr. descrier publish, proclaim , perh. confused with obs. descry describe , var. of obs. descrive perceive … English new terms dictionary
descry — /dɛsˈkraɪ/ (say des kruy) verb (t) (descried, descrying) 1. to make out (something distant or unclear) by looking; espy: *Laura descried them a long way off; and, as the carriage swept past them, they also saw her eager and prominent at her… …
descry — I. transitive verb (descried; descrying) Etymology: Middle English descrien to proclaim, reveal, from Anglo French *descrier, alteration of Old French decrier more at decry Date: 14th century 1. a. to catch sight of < I descried a sail Jonathan… … New Collegiate Dictionary