- alectryon
- [əʹlektrıɒn] n книжн.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Alectryon — may refer to:*Alectryon (mythology) *Alector, father of one of the Argonauts, referred to by Homer as Alectryon *Alectryon (genus), in botany *Alectryon [http://www.alectryon.nl] , A company located in the netherlands … Wikipedia
Alectryon — (Sagengesch.), s. Alektryon … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Alectryon — ALECTRYON, ŏnis, (⇒ Tab. XI.) des Leitus Vater, welchen andere aber auch Alektor, ingleichen Elektryo nennen. Hom. Il. Ρ. v. 601. S. Alector, n. 1 … Gründliches mythologisches Lexikon
ALECTRYON — teste Lucianô, adolescens fuit Marti adeo familiaris, ut adulterii, quô Veneri ille commiscebatur, conscius adhiberetur, foribusque custos apponeretur, ne Solis interventu adulter apprehenderetur. Verum cum ille somnô captus negligentius excubias … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Alectryon — Alectryon … Wikipedia Español
Alectryon — Cet article concerne Alectryon dans la mythologie grecque. Pour la plante, voir Alectryon (genre). Dans la mythologie grecque, Alectryon (en grec ancien Αλεκτρυών / Alektryốn, littéralement « coq ») est un jeune éphèbe. Une nuit, alors… … Wikipédia en Français
Alectryon — ID 2197 Symbol Key ALECT Common Name alectryon Family Sapindaceae Category Dicot Division Magnoliophyta US Nativity N/A US/NA Plant Yes State Distribution HI Growth Habit N/A Durat … USDA Plant Characteristics
Alectryon (Genre) — Alectryon … Wikipédia en Français
Alectryon excelsus — Листья … Википедия
Alectryon (mythology) — Alectryon (Greek: άλεκτρυών) is the Ancient Greek word for rooster . In Greek mythology, Alectryon was a youth, charged by Ares to stand guard outside his door while the god indulged in illicit love with Aphrodite. He fell asleep, and Helios, the … Wikipedia
Alectryon (genre) — Cet article concerne la plante. Pour Alectryon dans la mythologie grecque, voir Alectryon. Alectryon … Wikipédia en Français