- dermabrasion
- [͵dɜ:məʹbreıʒ(ə)n] n
абразивное удаление дефектов кожи (пемзой и т. п.)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Dermabrasion — Intervention MeSH D003869 Dermabrasion is a surgical procedure that involves the controlled abrasion (wearing away) of the upper layers of the skin with sandpaper or other mechanical means. Nowadays it has become … Wikipedia
Dermabrasion — is a surgical procedure that involves the controlled abrasion (wearing away) of the upper layers of the skin with sandpaper or other mechanical means. The purpose of dermabrasion is to smoothen the skin and, in the process, remove small scars (as … Medical dictionary
dermabrasion — ● dermabrasion nom féminin Technique d abrasion des lésions cutanées … Encyclopédie Universelle
dermabrasion — 1954; see DERMA (Cf. derma) + ABRASION (Cf. abrasion) … Etymology dictionary
dermabrasion — ☆ dermabrasion [dʉr΄mə brā′zhən ] n. [ DERM(IS) + ABRASION] the surgical procedure of scraping off upper layers of the epidermis with an abrasive device, as in seeking to repair acne scars, blemishes, etc … English World dictionary
Dermabrasion — Die Dermabrasion ist ein mechanisches Verfahren zur Abschleifung der Haut. Sie kann in folgenden Fällen angewendet werden: bei starker Verhornung der Haut (Hyperkeratose) Narben, die z. B. durch Unfälle oder Akne entstanden sind zur Entfernung… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Dermabrasion — Abrasion (médecine) Pour les articles homonymes, voir Abrasion. En médecine, on parle d abrasion (du latin abrasio, de abradere, ôter en grattant, en raclant) pour l enlèvement, ablation ou prélèvement par raclage, frottement ou grattement… … Wikipédia en Français
dermabrasion — noun Date: circa 1954 surgical removal of skin blemishes or imperfections (as scars or tattoos) by abrasion (as with sandpaper or wire brushes) … New Collegiate Dictionary
dermabrasion — /derr meuh bray zheuhn/, n. the removal of acne scars, dermal nevi, or the like, by abrading. Also called skin planing. [1950 55; DERM + ABRASION] * * * … Universalium
dermabrasion — noun A cosmetic medical procedure in which the surface of the epidermis of the skin is removed by abrasion, typically to remove scarring or sun damaged skin. See Also: dermabrader, dermabrasive … Wiktionary
Dermabrasion — Derm|ab|rasio̱n [↑Derma u. ↑Abrasion] w; , en: kosmetische Korrektur von Narben und anderen Hautdeformitäten durch manuelles oder mechanisches Abschleifen … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke