dependency status

dependency status
[dıʹpendənsı͵steıtəs] эк.
отношение иждивенца к главе семьи

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

Игры ⚽ Поможем решить контрольную работу

Смотреть что такое "dependency status" в других словарях:

  • dependency — [dē pen′dən sē, dipen′dən′sē] n. pl. dependencies 1. dependence 2. something dependent or subordinate 3. a land or territory geographically distinct from the country governing it, and held in trust or as a possession, etc. in a subordinate status …   English World dictionary

  • dependency ratio —   the proportion of working (economically active) people to non working (non economically active) people in a country by the formula:   people aged 0 14 + people aged over 6 5 x 100   people aged 15 65   Thus suggests how many non workers are… …   Geography glossary

  • dependency — A colony of a country; a territory which is subordinated to the authority and laws of a mother country. 29 Am J Rev ed States § 7. The status of a dependent person. See dependent …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • Crown Dependency of Forvik — Micronation Arms Motto: Með løgum skal land biggja[1] (English: With laws the land will be built) Status …   Wikipedia

  • List of HTTP status codes — The following is a list of HTTP response status codes and standard associated phrases, intended to give a short textual description of the status. These status codes are specified by RFC 2616, along with additional codes (RFC 2518, RFC 2817, RFC… …   Wikipedia

  • Disputed status of Gibraltar — Gibraltar This article is part of the series: Politics and government of Gibraltar Monarch Elizabeth I …   Wikipedia

  • HTTP Status Code — Jede HTTP Anfrage wird vom Server mit einem HTTP Statuscode beantwortet. Er gibt Informationen darüber, ob die Anfrage erfolgreich bearbeitet wurde oder teilt dem Client im Fehlerfall mit, wo (z. B. Umleitung) bzw. wie (z. B. mit… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Politischer Status der Antarktis — Gebietsansprüche in der Antarktis: Neuseeland …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • partial dependency — The status of a person who depends upon another for part of his support and maintenance. The status of a person who has some means but not sufficient for his support. Utah Fuel Co. v Industrial Com. 80 Utah 301, 86 ALR 858, 15 P2d 297 …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • Crown dependency — Lage der Insel Man sowie der Inseln Jersey und Guernsey Die Kronbesitzungen (engl. crown dependencies) der britischen Krone sind Gebiete, die direkt der britischen Krone unterstellt sind. Sie sind weder ein Teil des Vereinigten Königreichs noch… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Puerto Rico — <p></p> <p></p> Introduction ::Puerto Rico <p></p> Background: <p></p> Populated for centuries by aboriginal peoples, the island was claimed by the Spanish Crown in 1493 following Christopher… …   The World Factbook

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