Смотреть что такое "dentel" в других словарях:
Dentel — Dent el, n. Same as {Dentil}. [1913 Webster] || … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
dentel — s. m. [Carpintaria] Entalhe para regular a altura das prateleiras … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
dentel — den·tel … English syllables
dentel — ˈdentəl noun ( s) Etymology: French dentelle, literally, small tooth, from Old French more at dentelle : dentil … Useful english dictionary
DenTek Oral Care — DenTel Oral Care, Inc. Type Private Industry Consumer goods Founded 1984 Headquarters 307 Excellence Way, Maryville, Tennessee, USA 37801 … Wikipedia
El Silbo — Silbo Le Silbo (en espagnol : le sifflement ) désigne un langage sifflé des Gomeros, les habitants de l île La Gomera aux Canaries, parlant espagnol. Les Guanches, les aborigènes des îles Canaries utilisaient aussi une forme sifflée de leur… … Wikipédia en Français
Silbo — Le langage sifflé de l’île de la Gomera (îles Canaries), le Silbo Gomero * … Wikipédia en Français
Silbo gomero — El Silbo Gomero, lenguaje silbado de la isla de La Gomera (Islas Canarias) Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial Nombre descrito en la Lista del Patrimonio Inmaterial … Wikipedia Español
Silbo Gomero language — Silbo Gomero ( El Silbo or Gomeran Whistle ) is a whistled language spoken by inhabitants of La Gomera in the Canary Islands to communicate across the deep ravines and narrow valleys (barrancos) that radiate through the island (René Guy Busnel… … Wikipedia
Miami Hurricanes in the NFL — The University of Miami s football program has set multiple records in producing players who go on to the National Football League. The Hurricanes hold the record for most players selected in the first round in a single draft (6, in 2004), most… … Wikipedia
Volkmarsen — Wappen Deutschlandkarte … Deutsch Wikipedia