Смотреть что такое "denaturize" в других словарях:
denaturize — (Amer.) v. denature, alter natural properties; make alcohol unfit to drink (also denaturise) … English contemporary dictionary
denaturize — denaturization, n. denaturizer, n. /dee nay cheuh ruyz /, v.t., denaturized, denaturizing. denature. Also, esp. Brit., denaturise. [1895 1900; DE + NATURE + IZE] * * * … Universalium
denaturize — de·na·tur·ize … English syllables
denaturize — (ˈ)dē|nāchəˌrīz, də̇ˈn transitive verb ( ed/ ing/ s) Usage: see ize Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary de + nature + ize : denature … Useful english dictionary
denaturized — denaturize (Amer.) v. denature, alter natural properties; make alcohol unfit to drink (also denaturise) … English contemporary dictionary
denaturizes — denaturize (Amer.) v. denature, alter natural properties; make alcohol unfit to drink (also denaturise) … English contemporary dictionary
denaturizing — denaturize (Amer.) v. denature, alter natural properties; make alcohol unfit to drink (also denaturise) … English contemporary dictionary
Embolization — is a non surgical, minimally invasive procedure performed by an interventional radiologist and interventional neuroradiologists. It involves the selective occlusion of blood vessels, by purposely introducing emboli.Therapeutic… … Wikipedia
Nietzsche and freedom — The 19th century philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche is known as a critic of Judeo Christian morality and religions in general. One of the arguments he raised against the truthfulness of these doctrines is that they base upon the concept of free will … Wikipedia
Friedrich Nietzsche and free will — The 19th century philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche is known as a critic of Judeo Christian morality and religions in general. One of the arguments he raised against the truthfulness of these doctrines is that they base upon the concept of free will … Wikipedia
denaturise — (Brit.) v. denature, alter natural properties; make alcohol unfit to drink (also denaturize) … English contemporary dictionary