
[dıʹneərıəs] n (pl -rii) лат.
1. денарий (древнеримская серебряная монета)
2. пенни (при расчётах; обыкн. сокр. d.)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "denarius" в других словарях:

  • denarius — ancient Roman silver coin, 1570s, from L. denarius, originally an adj., containing ten, and short for denarius nummus the coin containing ten (aces), from deni by tens, from decem ten (see TEN (Cf. ten)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • Denarius — De*na ri*us, n.; pl. {Denarii}. [L. See 2d {Denier}.] A Roman silver coin of the value of about fourteen cents; the penny of the New Testament; so called from being worth originally ten of the pieces called as. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • denarius — [di nar′ē əs] n. pl. denarii [di nar′ē ī΄] [ME < L, orig., adj., containing ten < deni, by tens < decem, TEN] 1. an ancient Roman silver coin, the penny of the New Testament 2. an ancient Roman gold coin, worth 25 silver denarii …   English World dictionary

  • Denarius — Top row left to right: A.D 157 BC Roman Republic, A.D AD 73 Vespasian, A.D 161 Marcus Aurelius, A.D 194 Septimius Severus; Second row left to right: A.D 199 Caracalla, A.D 200 Julia Domna, A.D 219 Elagabalus, A.D 236 Maximinus Thrax In the Roman… …   Wikipedia

  • DENARIUS — I. DENARIUS S. Petri, pecunia, quae ab Anglis quotannis Sedi Romanae pensitabatur a temporibus Inae West Saxonum Regis seu ut aliis placet, Offae Merciorum Regis seu Ethelwolfi, ut nonnullis visum: quorum sententias sic conciliat Polydor. Virgil …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Denarius — Der Denar (lat. denarius von deni: je zehn) war ein antikes, mittelalterliches, neuzeitliches und anfänglich noch feinsilbernes, mittleres durch inflationäre Prozesse immer kleiner werdendes kupfernes Münznominal und galt ursprünglich als… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • denarius — /di nair ee euhs/, n., pl. denarii / nair ee uy /. 1. a silver coin and monetary unit of ancient Rome, first issued in the latter part of the 3rd century B.C., that fluctuated in value and sometimes appeared as a bronze coin. 2. a gold coin of… …   Universalium

  • denarius — A silver coin which bore the image of the Roman emperor (Mark 12:16); it was equivalent to the Greek drachma as known in the east, which was the cost of a sheep. The parable [[➝ parables]] of the Labourers in the Vineyard indicates that one… …   Dictionary of the Bible

  • denarius — de•nar•i•us [[t]dɪˈnɛər i əs[/t]] n. pl. nar•i•i [[t] ˈnɛər iˌaɪ[/t]] 1) anq+num a silver coin of ancient Rome, orig. equal to 10 asses 2) num a gold coin of ancient Rome equal to 25 silver denarii • Etymology: < L dēnārius, orig. adj.:… …   From formal English to slang

  • Denarius — Sanct Denarius (Geld) hat die meisten Anbeter (Verehrer) …   Deutsches Sprichwörter-Lexikon

  • Denarius Moore — Moore in the 2011 NFL season. No. 17     Oakland Raiders Wide receiver Personal information …   Wikipedia

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