
1. [dıʹmɒnstrətıv] n грам.
указательное местоимение
2. [dıʹmɒnstrətıv] a
1. наглядный; ясно показывающий; иллюстрирующий

demonstrative example - наглядный /яркий/ пример

demonstrative farm - показательное хозяйство

2. 1) (часто of) доказательный, доказывающий

demonstrative of his skill - свидетельствующий /говорящий/ о его мастерстве

2) доказуемый

readily demonstrative - легко доказуемый

demonstrative science - наука, построенная на доказательствах

3. экспансивный; несдержанный; бурный

demonstrative person - экспансивный человек

demonstrative greetings - бурные приветствия

demonstrative gratitude - бурное выражение благодарности

demonstrative nature - непосредственная натура

4. грам. указательный

demonstrative pronoun - указательное местоимение

demonstrative force /function/ - указательная функция

5. ясно выражающий одобрение или осуждение (о высказывании)

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Смотреть что такое "demonstrative" в других словарях:

  • Demonstrative — De*mon stra*tive, a. [F. d[ e]monstratif, L. demonstrativus.] 1. Having the nature of demonstration; tending to demonstrate; making evident; exhibiting clearly or conclusively. Demonstrative figures. Dryden. [1913 Webster] An argument necessary… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • demonstrative — I (expressive of emotion) adjective communicative, effusive, emotional, emotive, excitable, expressive, fanatical, fervent, feverish, fierce, fiery, free in expression, furious, histrionic, maudlin, overflowing, overwrought, passionate, prone to… …   Law dictionary

  • demonstrative — [di män′strə tiv; ] also [ dem′ən strā΄tiv] adj. [ME & OFr demonstratif < L demonstrativus: see DEMONSTRATE] 1. that demonstrates or shows; illustrative 2. giving convincing evidence or conclusive proof: usually with of 3. having to do with… …   English World dictionary

  • Demonstrative — De*mon stra*tive, n. (Gram.) A demonstrative pronoun; as, this and that are demonstratives. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • demonstrative — late 14c., characterized by logic, based on logic, from O.Fr. démonstratif (14c.), from L. demonstrativus pointing out, demonstrating, from pp. stem of demonstrare (see DEMONSTRATION (Cf. demonstration)). Grammatical sense, pointing out the thing …   Etymology dictionary

  • demonstrative — [adj1] expressive, communicative affectionate, candid, effusive, emotional, evincive, expansive, explanatory, expository, frank, gushing, histrionic, illustrative, indicative, loving, open, outgoing, outpouring, outspoken, plain, profuse,… …   New thesaurus

  • demonstrative — ► ADJECTIVE 1) tending to show one s feelings openly. 2) serving to demonstrate something. 3) Grammar (of a determiner or pronoun) indicating the person or thing referred to (e.g. this, that, those). ► NOUN Grammar ▪ a demonstrative determiner or …   English terms dictionary

  • Demonstratīve — (militär.), s. Demonstration …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Demonstrative — In linguistics, demonstratives are deictic words (they depend on an external frame of reference) that indicate which entities a speaker refers to and distinguishes those entities from others. Demonstratives are employed for spatial deixis (using… …   Wikipedia

  • demonstrative — adj. & n. adj. 1 given to or marked by an open expression of feeling, esp. of affection (a very demonstrative person). 2 (usu. foll. by of) logically conclusive; giving proof (the work is demonstrative of their skill). 3 a serving to point out or …   Useful english dictionary

  • demonstrative — demonstratively, adv. demonstrativeness, n. /deuh mon streuh tiv/, adj. 1. characterized by or given to open exhibition or expression of one s emotions, attitudes, etc., esp. of love or affection: She wished her fiancé were more demonstrative. 2 …   Universalium

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