
[ʹdemənstreıt] v
1. 1) демонстрировать, показывать

to demonstrate a car - выставлять для обозрения /показывать/ автомобиль (потенциальному покупателю и т. п.)

2) иллюстрировать, наглядно показывать

this demonstrates his integrity - это показывает его честность, это свидетельство его честности

2. проявлять, обнаруживать (чувства и т. п.)

to demonstrate one's valour - показать /проявить/ своё мужество

to demonstrate one's feelings - выставлять напоказ свои чувства

3. доказывать

to demonstrate a proposition - доказать положение

4. участвовать в демонстрации

to demonstrate against smth. - участвовать в демонстрации протеста против чего-л.; протестовать против чего-л.

5. воен. производить демонстрацию, демонстрировать силу; наносить отвлекающий удар

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Смотреть что такое "demonstrate" в других словарях:

  • Demonstrate — Dem on*strate (?; 277), v. t. [L. demonstratus, p. p. of demonstrare to demonstrate; de + monstrare to show. See {Monster}.] 1. To point out; to show; to exhibit; to make evident. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. To show, or make evident, by reasoning or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • demonstrate — UK US /ˈdemənstreɪt/ verb [T] ► to show something, or show someone how to do something, or how a system or product works: »They demonstrated how big savings could be made with the help of the new machinery. demonstrate sth to sb » We asked them… …   Financial and business terms

  • demonstrate — [v1] display, show authenticate, determine, establish, evidence, evince, exhibit, expose, flaunt, indicate, make evident, make out, manifest, prove, roll out*, show and tell*, test, testify to, trot out*, try, validate; concept 97 Ant. conceal,… …   New thesaurus

  • demonstrate — I (establish) verb authenticate, circumstantiate, clarify, confirm, corroborate, display, elucidate, evince, exemplify, exhibit, illuminate, illustrate, indicate, instruct, lay out, make clear, make evident, make plain, manifest, perform, point… …   Law dictionary

  • demonstrate — 1550s, to point out, from L. demonstratus, pp. of demonstrare (see DEMONSTRATION (Cf. demonstration)). Meaning to point out by argument or deduction is from 1570s. Related: Demonstrated; demonstrating …   Etymology dictionary

  • demonstrate — 1 manifest, evince, *show, evidence Analogous words: *reveal, disclose, discover, betray: display, exhibit, parade, flaunt, expose, *show Contrasted words: *hide, conceal, secrete: dissemble, cloak, mask, *disguise …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • demonstrate — ► VERB 1) clearly show that (something) exists or is true. 2) give a practical exhibition and explanation of. 3) express or reveal (a feeling or quality) by one s actions. 4) take part in a public demonstration. DERIVATIVES demonstrator noun.… …   English terms dictionary

  • demonstrate — [dem′ən strāt΄] vt. demonstrated, demonstrating [< L demonstratus, pp. of demonstrare, to point out, show < de , out, from + monstrare, to show: see MUSTER] 1. to show by reasoning; prove 2. to explain or make clear by using examples,… …   English World dictionary

  • demonstrate — [[t]de̱mənstreɪt[/t]] ♦♦♦ demonstrates, demonstrating, demonstrated 1) VERB To demonstrate a fact means to make it clear to people. [V n] The study also demonstrated a direct link between obesity and mortality... [V that] You have to demonstrate… …   English dictionary

  • demonstrate — v. 1) to demonstrate convincingly 2) (B) ( to explain by showing ) they demonstrated the new invention to us 3) (D; intr.) ( to protest by marching ) to demonstrate against (the students demonstrated against the government) 4) (D; intr.) ( to… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • demonstrate — dem|on|strate W2 [ˈdemənstreıt] v [Date: 1500 1600; : Latin; Origin: demonstratus, past participle of demonstrare, from monstrare to show ] 1.) [T] to show or prove something clearly ▪ The study demonstrates the link between poverty and… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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