demographic transition

demographic transition
сильное изменение картины рождаемости и смертности

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "demographic transition" в других словарях:

  • Demographic transition — A diagram of the demographic transition model, including stage 5 The demographic transition model (DT) is the transition from high birth and death rates to low birth and death rates as a country develops from a pre industrial to an industrialized …   Wikipedia

  • demographic transition — The pattern of transition, observed in many areas of the developed world, between two demographic regimes: the first, termed traditional, in which levels of fertility and mortality are high; and the second or modern regime in which levels of… …   Dictionary of sociology

  • demographic transition model —   a theory of population change over time. Seeks to explain population increases and decreases through variations in the birth rate and death rate. Based on observations of historical changes in parts of the EMDW, it is now applied more generally …   Geography glossary

  • Demographic economics — or population economics is the application of economics to demography, the study of human populations, including size, growth, density, distribution, and vital statistics.[1] Analysis includes economic determinants and consequences of marriage… …   Wikipedia

  • Demographic gift — is a term in demographics used to describe the initially favorable effect of falling fertility rates on the age dependency ratio, the fraction of children and aged as compared to that of the working population. Contents 1 Overview 2 Use of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Demographic-economic paradox — Graph of Total Fertility Rate vs. GDP per capita of the corresponding country, 2009. Only countries with over 5 Million population were plotted, to reduce outliers. Sources: CIA World Fact Book. For details, see List of countries and territories… …   Wikipedia

  • Demographic trap — Population pyramid of Egypt in 2005. Many of those 30 and younger are educated citizens who are experiencing difficulty finding work. According to the Encyclopedia of International Development, the term demographic trap is used by demographers to …   Wikipedia

  • Demographic dividend — The demographic dividend is a rise in the rate of economic growth due to a rising share of working age people in a population. This usually occurs late in the demographic transition when the fertility rate falls and the youth dependency rate… …   Wikipedia

  • Demographic window — Inverse dependency ratios in world regions, showing US window 1970–2030 and East Asian window 1980–2040. Demographic window is defined to be that period of time in a nation s demographic evolution when the proportion of population of working age… …   Wikipedia

  • Demographic history of Albania — Early demographics Population statistics for Albania start with the first census of 1923, when the country had 823,000 inhabitants. Previous censuses carried out by the Ottoman Empire are not yet available. A shift in administrative borders in… …   Wikipedia

  • Epidemiological transition — In demography and medical geography, epidemiological transition refers to a change in the pattern of disease in a country away from infectious diseases towards degenerative diseases. This theory was originally proposed by Omran in 1971. This… …   Wikipedia

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