- demilitarize
- [di:ʹmılıtəraız] v
to demilitarize the frontier - демилитаризовать границу
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
to demilitarize the frontier - демилитаризовать границу
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
demilitarize — index disarm (divest of arms) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
demilitarize — (v.) 1883, in reference to the Austrian military frontier in the Balkans; see DE (Cf. de ) + MILITARY (Cf. military) + IZE (Cf. ize). Demilitarized zone attested by 1921 (the Versailles Treaty uses neutralized zone) … Etymology dictionary
demilitarize — (Amer.) de·mil·i·ta·rize || ‚diË mɪlɪtÉ™raɪz v. remove military forces from an area (also demilitarise) … English contemporary dictionary
demilitarize — (also demilitarise) ► VERB ▪ remove all military forces from (an area). DERIVATIVES demilitarization noun … English terms dictionary
demilitarize — [dē mil′ə tə rīz΄] vt. demilitarized, demilitarizing 1. to free from organized military control 2. to take away the military power or character of demilitarization n … English World dictionary
demilitarize — [[t]di͟ːmɪ̱lɪtəraɪz[/t]] demilitarizes, demilitarizing, demilitarized VERB To demilitarize an area means to ensure that all military forces are removed from it. [V n] He said the UN had made remarkable progress in demilitarizing the region... [V… … English dictionary
demilitarize — transitive verb Date: 1883 1. a. to do away with the military organization or potential of b. to prohibit (as a zone or frontier area) from being used for military purposes 2. to rid of military characteristics or uses • demilitarization noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
demilitarize — demilitarization, n. /dee mil i teuh ruyz /, v.t., demilitarized, demilitarizing. 1. to deprive of military character; free from militarism. 2. to place under civil instead of military control. 3. to forbid military use of (a border zone). Also,… … Universalium
demilitarize — verb a) To remove troops from an area b) To return an area to civilian control … Wiktionary
demilitarize — de|mil|i|ta|rize also demilitarise BrE [ˌdi:ˈmılıtəraız] v [T usually passive] to remove the weapons, soldiers etc from a country or area so that there can be no fighting there ▪ the demilitarized zone between the two countries… … Dictionary of contemporary English
demilitarize — or demilitarise verb [usu. as adjective demilitarized] remove all military forces from: a demilitarized zone. Derivatives demilitarization noun … English new terms dictionary