
1. [delv] n
1. 1) редк. впадина, рытвина, яма
2) горн. шурф
2. рытьё
2. [delv] v
1. книжн.
1) погружаться, углубляться в изучение (чего-л.); рыться; доискиваться

to delve into documents [into old books] - рыться в документах [в старых книгах]

to delve into history - с головой уйти в изучение истории

to delve among the relics of antiquity - изучать предметы древней культуры

the paper has delved into the issues of pollution - газета глубоко /серьёзно/ занималась вопросами загрязнения (окружающей среды)

2) рыться, искать

to delve into one's pockets for one's handkerchief - рыться в карманах в поисках платка

2. редк.
1) копать, рыть
2) выкапывать; извлекать (тж. delve out, delve up)
3. резко идти под уклон (о дороге)

to dig and delve - копать; дотошно доискиваться

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "delve" в других словарях:

  • Delve — Delve, n. [See {Delve}, v. t., and cf. {Delf} a mine.] A place dug; a pit; a ditch; a den; a cave. [1913 Webster] Which to that shady delve him brought at last. Spenser. [1913 Webster] The very tigers from their delves Look out. Moore. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Delve — Delvev. t. [imp. & p. p. {Delved}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Delving}.] [AS. delfan to dig; akin to OS. bidelban to bury, D. delven to dig, MHG. telben, and possibly to E. dale. Cf. {Delf} a mine.] 1. To dig; to open (the ground) as with a spade. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Delve — Delve, v. i. To dig or labor with a spade, or as with a spade; to labor as a drudge. [1913 Webster] Delve may I not: I shame to beg. Wyclif (Luke xvi. 3). [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • delve — [delv] v [: Old English; Origin: delfan [i] to dig ] 1.) to try to find more information about someone or something delve into ▪ research that delves deeply into this issue 2.) [always + adverb/preposition] to search for something by putting your …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • delve — I verb ask for, burrow, carry on intensive research, conduct an inquiry, dig down into, dig into, examine, explore, fathom, ferret out, fodere, follow the trail, go deep into, go in pursuit of, go in search of, go through, hold an inquiry, hunt… …   Law dictionary

  • delve — [ delv ] verb intransitive 1. ) to look for information by searching through something thoroughly: This biography delves deep into the artist s private life. 2. ) to search for something in a bag, pocket, etc.: Frank delved into his pocket and… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • delve — O.E. delfan to dig (class III strong verb; past tense dealf, pp. dolfen), common W.Gmc. verb (Cf. O.S. delban, Du. delven, M.H.G. telben to dig ), from PIE root *dhelbh (Cf. Lith. delba crowbar, Rus. dolbit , Czech dlabati, Pol …   Etymology dictionary

  • delve — *dig, spade, grub, excavate …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • delve — [v] dig into task, action burrow, dig, dredge, examine, excavate, explore, ferret out*, go into, gouge out, inquire, investigate, jump into, leave no stone unturned*, look into, probe, prospect, ransack, really get into*, research, rummage, scoop …   New thesaurus

  • delve — ► VERB 1) reach inside a receptacle and search for something. 2) research intensively into something. 3) literary dig or excavate. ORIGIN Old English …   English terms dictionary

  • delve — [delv] vi. delved, delving [ME delven < OE delfan, to dig, akin to OHG (bi)telban, Du delven < IE base * dhelbh , to dig out > Czech dlubu, to hollow out] 1. [Now Dial., Chiefly Brit.] to dig with a spade 2. to investigate for… …   English World dictionary

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