- delphic
- [ʹdelfık,-{ʹdelfık}(ə)l] a
1) др.-греч. дельфийский
Delphic(al) oracle - дельфийский оракул
2) туманный, непонятный; двусмысленныйDelphic(al) utterance - двусмысленное высказывание
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Delphic(al) oracle - дельфийский оракул
Delphic(al) utterance - двусмысленное высказывание
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Delphic — est un groupe de dance alternative de Manchester, Grande Bretagne[1]. Ils sont signés sur le label Polydor et leur single Counterpoint , produit par Ewan Pearson, est sorti en avril 2009 sur R S Records[2],[3]. En 2009, le gro … Wikipédia en Français
Delphic — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Delphic Información personal Origen Manchester … Wikipedia Español
Delphic — Основная информация Жанры инди электроника … Википедия
Delphic — unterstützen Bloc Party als … Deutsch Wikipedia
Delphic — Del phic, a. [L. Delphicus, fr. Gr. Delfiko s, fr. Delfoi , L. Delphi, a town of Phocis, in Greece, now Kastri.] (Gr. Antiq.) 1. Of or relating to Delphi, or to the famous oracle of that place. [1913 Webster] 2. Ambiguous; mysterious. If he is… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Delphic — ► ADJECTIVE 1) relating to the ancient Greek oracle at Delphi. 2) deliberately obscure or ambiguous: Delphic utterances … English terms dictionary
Delphic — 1590s, from L. Delphicus, from Gk. Delphikos, from Delphi (see DELPHI (Cf. Delphi)) … Etymology dictionary
Delphic — [del′fē əndel′fik] adj. 1. of Delphi 2. designating or of the oracle of Apollo at Delphi in ancient times 3. obscure in meaning; ambiguous; oracular: Also Delphian [del′fē ən] … English World dictionary
Delphic — For the ancient Greek city, see Delphi. For other related terms, see Delphi (disambiguation). Delphic Delphic supporting Bloc Party as part of the iTunes festival in July 2009. Background information … Wikipedia
Delphic — adjective Date: 1567 1. of or relating to ancient Delphi or its oracle 2. often not capitalized ambiguous, obscure < Delphic utterances > • delphically adverb … New Collegiate Dictionary
Delphic — delphically, adv. /del fik/, adj. 1. of or pertaining to Delphi. 2. of or pertaining to Apollo, or to his temples or oracles. 3. (often l.c.) oracular; obscure; ambiguous: She was known for her Delphic pronouncements. [1590 1600; < L Delphicus … Universalium