- delivery truck
- [dıʹlıv(ə)rı͵trʌk]
машина для доставки (почты или продуктов); автофургон
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
delivery truck — noun a van suitable for delivering goods or services to customers • Syn: ↑delivery van, ↑panel truck • Hypernyms: ↑van … Useful english dictionary
sedan delivery truck — noun : a sedan modified for delivery service by replacing the rear seat and tail section with panel sides and a double door at the rear … Useful english dictionary
truck — ▪ I. truck truck 1 [trʌk] noun [countable] TRANSPORT 1. a large road vehicle used to carry goods; = lorry Bre 2. a railway vehicle that is part of a train and carries goods; = car … Financial and business terms
truck — Synonyms and related words: DUKW, ESP, Pullman, Pullman car, answer, autotruck, baggage car, baked goods, balance of trade, bargain, barge, barter, big business, bloodmobile, boat, bookmobile, boxcar, bus, business, business dealings, buy and… … Moby Thesaurus
delivery van — noun a van suitable for delivering goods or services to customers • Syn: ↑delivery truck, ↑panel truck • Hypernyms: ↑van … Useful english dictionary
delivery — /dəˈlɪvəri / (say duh livuhree) noun (plural deliveries) 1. the delivering of letters, goods, etc. 2. a giving up or handing over; surrender. 3. the utterance or enunciation of words. 4. vocal and bodily behaviour during the presentation of a… …
delivery van — truck used to transport goods … English contemporary dictionary
truck — truck1 truckable, adj. /truk/, n. 1. any of various forms of vehicle for carrying goods and materials, usually consisting of a single self propelled unit but also often composed of a trailer vehicle hauled by a tractor unit. 2. any of various… … Universalium
truck — I n. vehicle 1) (esp. AE; BE often has lorry, van) to drive, operate a truck 2) a delivery (AE); dump (esp. AE), dumper (BE), tipper (BE); garbage (AE); panel (AE; BE has delivery van); pickup (AE); sound; trailer (AE; BE has articulated lorry);… … Combinatory dictionary
Truck — Lorry redirects here. For other uses, see Lorry (disambiguation) or Truck (disambiguation). North American highway freight rig pulled by a Kenworth tractor. Note the refrigerated trailer and the Conventional ( American ) engine cab style … Wikipedia
Truck driver — A truck driver (Commonly called a trucker, driver or teamster in the United States and Canada, a truckie or ute driver in Australia and New Zealand and a lorry driver or driver in Ireland and the United Kingdom) is a person who earns a living as… … Wikipedia