- delegacy
- [ʹdelıgəsı] n
1. делегация2. делегирование3. полномочия делегата
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Delegacy — Del e*ga*cy, n. [From {Delegate}, a.] 1. The act of delegating, or state of being delegated; deputed power. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] By way of delegacy or grand commission. Sir W. Raleigh. [1913 Webster] 2. A body of delegates or commissioners; a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
delegacy — [del′ə gə sē] n. 1. a delegating or being delegated 2. pl. delegacies a delegation … English World dictionary
delegacy — noun (plural cies) Date: 15th century 1. a body of delegates ; board 2. a. the act of delegating b. appointment as delegate … New Collegiate Dictionary
delegacy — /del i geuh see/, n., pl. delegacies. 1. the position or commission of a delegate. 2. the appointing or sending of a delegate. 3. a body of delegates; delegation. 4. (at Oxford University) a permanent committee charged with certain duties. [1525… … Universalium
delegacy — noun a) The position or state of being a delegate. b) A collection of delegates … Wiktionary
delegacy — del·e·ga·cy || delɪgÉ™sɪ n. position or office of a delegate; delegation of authority … English contemporary dictionary
delegacy — [ dɛlɪgəsi] noun (plural delegacies) [treated as sing. or plural] a body of delegates; a committee or delegation … English new terms dictionary
delegacy — del·e·ga·cy … English syllables
delegacy — del•e•ga•cy [[t]ˈdɛl ɪ gə si[/t]] n. pl. cies 1) the position or commission of a delegate 2) the appointing or sending of a delegate 3) a body of delegates; delegation • Etymology: 1525–35 … From formal English to slang
delegacy — /ˈdɛləgəsi/ (say deluhguhsee) noun (plural delegacies) 1. the position or commission of a delegate. 2. the sending or appointing of a delegate. 3. a body of delegates …
delegacy — n. (pl. ies) 1 a system of delegating. 2 a an appointment as a delegate. b a body of delegates; a delegation … Useful english dictionary