- degauss
- [͵di:ʹgaʋs] v тех.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
degauss — de*gauss (d[ e]*gous ), n. 1. To make a (steel) ship s hull nonmagnetic by applying an opposing magnetic field. [WordNet 1.5] 2. To remove irregular magnetization in (the electron gun of a cathode ray tube); used to improve picture quality,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
degauss — de magnetize, originally especially of ships as a defense against magnetic mines, 1940, from German scientist Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777 1855), a pioneer in the study of magnetics … Etymology dictionary
degauss — ► VERB Physics ▪ remove unwanted magnetism from. ORIGIN named after the German physicist Karl Friedrich Gauss (1777 1855) … English terms dictionary
degauss — [dē gous′] vt. [ DE + GAUSS] to demagnetize (as a ship for protection against magnetic mines) by passing an electric current through a coil or coils along or around the edge in order to neutralize the surrounding magnetic field degausser n … English World dictionary
degauss — transitive verb Etymology: de + gauss, after Karl F. Gauss Date: circa 1940 to remove or neutralize the magnetic field of < degauss a ship > < degauss a magnetic tape > • degausser noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
Degauss — … Википедия
degauss — /dee gows /, v.t. to demagnetize (a ship s hull, electrical equipment, etc.) by means of electric coils. Cf. deperm. [1935 40; DE + GAUSS] * * * … Universalium
degauss — verb To reduce or eliminate a magnetic field, especially from the hull of a ship, or from a computer monitor … Wiktionary
dégauss — ● n. m. ►AFFICH Action consistant à démagnétiser un écran, c est à dire à retirer les électrons qui peuvent y rester coincés, provoquant de drôles de couleurs à l affichage. La plupart des écrans cathodiques sont désormais pourvus de cette… … Dictionnaire d'informatique francophone
degauss — de·gauss || ‚diË gaÊŠs v. neutralize a magnetic field, demagnetize … English contemporary dictionary
degauss — [di: gaʊs] verb Physics remove unwanted magnetism from. Derivatives degausser noun Origin mid 20th. cent.: from de + the name of the 19th cent. German physicist Karl Friedrich Gauss … English new terms dictionary