- deficiency disease
- [dıʹfıʃ(ə)nsıdı͵zi:z] мед.
авитаминоз, витаминная недостаточность
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
deficiency disease — n a disease (as scurvy) caused by a lack of essential dietary elements and esp. a vitamin or mineral * * * any disease caused by the lack of an essential nutrient in the diet. Such nutrients include vitamin, essential amino acid, and essential… … Medical dictionary
deficiency disease — n. a disease, as rickets or pellagra, caused by a dietary lack of vitamins, minerals, etc. or by an inability to metabolize them … English World dictionary
deficiency disease — deficiency syndrome … Dictionary of ichthyology
deficiency disease — Synonyms and related words: abnormality, acute disease, affection, affliction, ailment, allergic disease, allergy, atrophy, bacterial disease, birth defect, blight, cardiovascular disease, chronic disease, circulatory disease, complaint,… … Moby Thesaurus
deficiency disease — noun any disease caused by a lack of an essential nutrient (as a vitamin or mineral) • Hypernyms: ↑disease • Hyponyms: ↑malnutrition, ↑zinc deficiency … Useful english dictionary
deficiency disease — n. disease caused by the deficiency of essential nutrient or other substance required for growth (such as vitamin or mineral) … English contemporary dictionary
deficiency disease — noun (C, U) a disease caused by a lack of a food substance that is necessary for good health: deficiency diseases such as rickets … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
deficiency disease — noun Date: 1912 a disease (as scurvy) caused by a lack of essential dietary elements and especially a vitamin or mineral … New Collegiate Dictionary
deficiency disease — noun a disease caused by the lack of some essential element in the diet, usually a particular vitamin or mineral … English new terms dictionary
deficiency disease — any disease caused by the lack of an essential nutrient in the diet. Such nutrients include vitamins, essential amino acids, and essential fatty acids … The new mediacal dictionary
deficiency disease — defi′ciency disease n. pat any illness associated with an insufficient supply of one or more essential dietary constituents • Etymology: 1910–15 … From formal English to slang