
1. [dıʹfi:t] n
1. поражение; разгром

the defeat of a party - поражение партии (на выборах и т. п.)

the defeat of a bill - провал законопроекта (в парламенте)

defeat on points - спорт. поражение по очкам

to inflict /to administer/ a defeat upon smb. - нанести кому-л. поражение, разгромить кого-л.

to suffer /to sustain/ a defeat - потерпеть поражение

to accept defeat - примириться с поражением

for the first time in his life he met defeat - впервые в жизни он познал горечь поражения

2. крушение (надежд)

it was the defeat of all my plans - все мои планы рухнули

3. юр. аннулирование, отмена
2. [dıʹfi:t] v
1. 1) наносить поражение, разбивать

to defeat the enemy - разбить противника, одержать победу над противником

to defeat a candidate - нанести поражение кандидату (на выборах)

to defeat smb. on points - спорт. выиграть состязание /бой, встречу/ по очкам

to defeat in detail - воен. разгромить по частям

after six hours of debate, they defeated the nonconfidence motion - после шестичасовых дебатов они провалили резолюцию недоверия

the Government was defeated in Parliament - правительство получило в парламенте вотум недоверия

2) расстраивать, срывать; разрушать (планы, замыслы и т. п.)

to defeat smb.'s ends - сорвать чьи-л. замыслы

to defeat the ends of justice - помешать делу /торжеству/ правосудия

to defeat one's own purpose /object/ - ≅ повредить самому себе; действовать во вред своим собственным целям

he was defeated in his plans - его планы потерпели крах

to defeat smb. of his hopes - уст. обмануть чьи-л. надежды

2. юр. уничтожать, отменять, аннулировать

this defeats me - я не в силах с этим справиться, это выше моих сил, это выше моего разумения

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Смотреть что такое "defeat" в других словарях:

  • defeat — de·feat vt [Anglo French defait, past participle of defaire to undo, defeat, from Old French deffaire desfaire, from de , prefix marking reversal of action + faire to do] 1 a: to render null third parties will defeat an attached but “unperfected” …   Law dictionary

  • Defeat — De*feat , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Defeated}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Defeating}.] [From F. d[ e]fait, OF. desfait, p. p. ofe d[ e]faire, OF. desfaire, to undo; L. dis + facere to do. See {Feat}, {Fact}, and cf. {Disfashion}.] 1. To undo; to disfigure; to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • defeat — [n1] overthrow, beating ambush, annihilation, beating, blow, break, breakdown, check, collapse, conquest, count, debacle, defeasance, destruction, discomfiture, downthrow, drubbing*, embarrassment, extermination, failure, fall, insuccess,… …   New thesaurus

  • Defeat — De*feat , n. [Cf. F. d[ e]faite, fr. d[ e]faire. See {Defeat}, v.] 1. An undoing or annulling; destruction. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Upon whose property and most dear life A damned defeat was made. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. Frustration by rendering… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Defeat — may be the opposite of victory Debellatio Surrender (military) usually follows a defeat Defeat, piece by a boy (pseudonym Chris Hughes Davis, real name unknown). See also Defeatism Failure List of military disasters …   Wikipedia

  • defeat — (v.) late 14c., from Anglo Fr. defeter, from O.Fr. desfait, pp. of desfaire to undo, from V.L. *diffacere undo, destroy, from L. dis un , not (see DIS (Cf. dis )) + facere to do, perform (see FACTITIOUS (Cf …   Etymology dictionary

  • defeat — vb beat, *conquer, vanquish, lick, subdue, subjugate, reduce, overcome, surmount, overthrow, rout Analogous words: *frustrate, thwart, foil, baffle, balk, circumvent, outwit deep rooted, Contrasted words: *yield, submit, capitulate, succumb, cave …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • defeat — ► VERB 1) win a victory over. 2) prevent from achieving an aim or prevent (an aim) from being achieved. 3) reject or block (a proposal or motion). ► NOUN ▪ an instance of defeating or the state of being defeated. ORIGIN Old French desfaire, from… …   English terms dictionary

  • defeat — [dē fēt′, difēt′] vt. [ME defeten < defet, disfigured, null and void < OFr desfait, pp. of desfaire, to undo < ML disfacere, to deface, ruin < L dis , from + facere, to DO1] 1. to win victory over; overcome; beat 2. to bring to… …   English World dictionary

  • defeat — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun ADJECTIVE ▪ complete, comprehensive (esp. BrE), decisive, heavy, major, overwhelming, resounding, serious, stunning, total …   Collocations dictionary

  • defeat — de|feat1 W3 [dıˈfi:t] n [U and C] 1.) failure to win or succeed ▪ She was a woman who hated to admit defeat . ▪ The Democratic Party candidate has already conceded defeat . defeat in ▪ The socialist party suffered a crushing defeat in the French… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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