
[ʹdi:plı] adv
1. глубоко; на большую глубину; на большой глубине

to dig deeply - быть глубоко

to sink deeply - опуститься на большую глубину

2. серьёзно, глубоко; сильно, очень

deeply offended - обиженный /уязвлённый/ до глубины души

deeply versed in nuclear theory - эрудированный /подкованный/ в области ядерной физики

deeply compromised - серьёзно скомпрометированный

to feel deeply - глубоко переживать

to drink deeply - сильно пить, пить запоем

to consider the subject deeply - всесторонне обдумывать вопрос

to be deeply indebted to smb. - быть бесконечно обязанным кому-л.

to be deeply in love with smb. - быть без ума от кого-л.

3. низким голосом на низких тонах

the hounds were barking deeply - хрипло лаяли собаки

4. концентрированно, густо (о цвете)
5. искусно

the plot was deeply laid - план заговора был продуман во всех деталях

6. (deeply-) как компонент сложных слов:

deeply-tanned face - очень загорелое лицо

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "deeply" в других словарях:

  • Deeply — Deep ly, adv. 1. At or to a great depth; far below the surface; as, to sink deeply. [1913 Webster] 2. Profoundly; thoroughly; not superficially; in a high degree; intensely; as, deeply skilled in ethics. [1913 Webster] He had deeply offended both …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Deeply — original DVD cover Directed by Sheri Elwood Produced by Karen Arikian Carolynne Bell Executive pro …   Wikipedia

  • deeply — O.E. deoplice (see DEEP (Cf. deep)), used in both literal and figurative senses …   Etymology dictionary

  • deeply — [adv] completely, intensely acutely, affectingly, distressingly, feelingly, genuinely, gravely, intensely, mournfully, movingly, passionately, profoundly, sadly, seriously, severely, surely, thoroughly, to the quick; concepts 531,772 Ant.… …   New thesaurus

  • deeply — ► ADVERB 1) far down or in. 2) intensely …   English terms dictionary

  • deeply — deep|ly W3 [ˈdi:pli] adv 1.) used to emphasize that a belief, feeling, opinion etc is very strong, important, or sincere ▪ Her lies hurt my father deeply. ▪ She is deeply upset. ▪ He loves her deeply. ▪ Teachers are deeply divided on this issue.… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Deeply — Filmdaten Deutscher Titel Deeply Produktionsland Kanada, Deutschland …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • deeply — deep, deeply Deep is used as an adverb both in physical senses • (With the horses provided you could trek deep into the forest Drive, 1972 • Johnny was standing with his back to the window, his hands thrust deep into his pockets E. Nash, 1993)… …   Modern English usage

  • deeply — deep|ly [ dipli ] adverb *** 1. ) very or very much: The comment had offended him deeply. The president said he was deeply concerned about the situation. 2. ) a long way into something: The needle had penetrated deeply into his skin. 3. ) if you… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • deeply */*/*/ — UK [ˈdiːplɪ] / US [ˈdɪplɪ] adverb 1) very or very much The comment had offended him deeply. The government said it was deeply concerned about the situation. 2) a long way into something The needle had penetrated deeply into his skin. 3) if you… …   English dictionary

  • deeply*/*/ — [ˈdiːpli] adv 1) very, or very much Your mother is deeply concerned.[/ex] 2) a long way into something The needle had penetrated deeply into his skin.[/ex] 3) if you breathe or SIGH deeply, you breathe a lot of air into or out of your body …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

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