- decorous
- [ʹdek(ə)rəs] a
приличный, пристойный; соблюдающий приличия, чинный
decorous conduct - благопристойное /приличное/ поведение
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
decorous conduct - благопристойное /приличное/ поведение
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
decorous — decorous, decent, seemly, proper, nice apply to persons, their utterances, and their behavior, and mean conforming to an accepted standard of what is right or fitting or is regarded as good form. Something is decorous when it is marked by… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Decorous — Dec or*ous (d[e^]k [ o]r*[u^]s or d[ e]*k[=o] r[u^]s; 277), a. [L. dec[=o]rus, fr. decor comeliness, beauty; akin to decere. See {Decent}, and cf. {Decorum}.] Suitable to a character, or to the time, place, and occasion; marked with decorum;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
decorous — index formal, obeisant, proper, suitable Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
decorous — 1660s, from L. decorus becoming, seemly, fitting, proper, from decus (gen. decoris) ornament (see DECORATE (Cf. decorate)). Related: Decorously … Etymology dictionary
decorous — [adj] appropriate, suitable au fait, becoming, befitting, ceremonial, ceremonious, civilized, comely, comme il faut, conforming, conventional, correct, decent, demure, de rigueur, dignified, done, elegant, fit, fitting, formal, good, mannerly,… … New thesaurus
decorous — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ in keeping with good taste and propriety; polite and restrained. DERIVATIVES decorously adverb decorousness noun. ORIGIN Latin decorus seemly … English terms dictionary
decorous — [dek′ə rəs; ] also [ di kôr′əs] adj. [L decorus, becoming < decor: see DÉCOR] characterized by or showing decorum, propriety, good taste, etc. decorously adv. decorousness n … English World dictionary
decorous — [[t]de̱kərəs[/t]] ADJ GRADED Decorous behaviour is very respectable, calm, and polite. [FORMAL] They go for decorous walks every day in parks with their nanny. Syn: seemly, proper Derived words: decorously ADV GRADED He sipped his drink… … English dictionary
decorous — adjective Etymology: Latin decorus, from decor beauty, grace; akin to Latin decēre to be fitting more at decent Date: 1653 marked by propriety and good taste ; correct < decorous conduct > • decorously adverb • decorousness … New Collegiate Dictionary
decorous — adjective he behaved toward her in a decorous manner Syn: proper, seemly, decent, becoming, befitting, tasteful; correct, appropriate, suitable, fitting; tactful, polite, well mannered, genteel, respectable; formal, restrained, modest … Thesaurus of popular words
decorous — decorously, adv. decorousness, n. /dek euhr euhs, di kawr euhs, kohr /, adj. characterized by dignified propriety in conduct, manners, appearance, character, etc. [1655 65; < L decorus seemly, becoming, deriv. of decus; see DECORATE, OUS] Syn.… … Universalium