- alabastra
- [͵æləʹbæstrə] pl от alabastron и alabastrum
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
ALABASTRA — I. ALABASTRA Graece Α᾿λάβαςτρα et Α᾿λαβάςτρων πόλις, oppid. Aegypti, in Arabica et Orientali eius parte; Alabastrum quoque: quod in eo alabastri formarentur ex lapide, qui vicinis in montibus caedebatur. Fuêre autem alabastri unguentaria vasa, ex … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Alabastra — Alabastrum Al a*bas trum, n.; pl. {Alabastra}. [NL.] (Bot.) A flower bud. Gray. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Alabastron — An alabastron (from Greek αλάβαστρον [ [http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/cgi bin/ptext?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.04.0057%3Aentry%3D%233817 Alabastron, Henry George Liddell, Robert Scott, A Greek English Lexicon , at Perseus] ] ; plural: alabastra or… … Wikipedia
Alabastron — Glas Alabastron 2. oder 1. Jahrhundert v. Chr. Als Alabastron (Plural Alabastra) bezeichnet man in der Archäologie ein birnenförmiges oder schlankes Gefäß von zylindrischer Form und mit abgerundetem Boden. Alabastra wurde zur Aufbewahrung von… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Alabastrón — en pasta de vidrio. Alabas … Wikipedia Español
Eye shadow — is a cosmetic that is applied on the eyelids and under the eyebrows. It is commonly used to make the wearer s eyes stand out or look more attractive.Eye shadow adds depth and dimension to one s eyes, complements the eye color, or simply draws… … Wikipedia
Pasiades — Paris, Louvre CA 1920: Alabastron des Pasiades Pasiades (griechisch Πασιάδης) war ein griechischer Töpfer und Vasenmaler, tätig im letzten Viertel des 6. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. in Athen. Von ihm sind drei weißgrundige Alabastra bekannt, sowie zwei… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Alabastrum — Al a*bas trum, n.; pl. {Alabastra}. [NL.] (Bot.) A flower bud. Gray. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Alabaster — is a name applied to varieties of two distinct minerals: gypsum (a hydrous sulfate of calcium) and calcite (a carbonate of calcium). The former is the alabaster of the present day; the latter is generally the alabaster of the ancients. The two… … Wikipedia
Nepenthes bicalcarata — Intermediate pitcher of N. bicalcarata Conservation status … Wikipedia
Psiax — (flourished in Athens circa 525–510 BCE) was an ancient Greek vase painter. He played an important role in the transition from Attic black figure to red figure. Formerly called the Menon Painter, after the potter’s signature on a red figure… … Wikipedia