- data centre
- [ʹdeıtə͵sentə] информ.
информационный центр
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
data centre — ➔ centre * * * data centre UK US noun [C] UK (US data center) ► IT a place where a number of computers that contain large amounts of information can be kept safely: »It will be her responsibility to buy data center equipment, including servers… … Financial and business terms
data centre — A dedicated facility for the processing of data, such as payroll and customer records. Because this kind of data is usually processed in huge quantities, powerful mainframe computers are used and are housed in secure and controlled conditions.… … Law dictionary
data centre — noun A facility used to house computer systems and associated components, such as telecommunications and storage systems … Wiktionary
British Oceanographic Data Centre — British Oceanographic Data CentreCentre OverviewFormed1969LocationLiverpool, UK L3 5DADirectorDr Juan BrownGoverning BodyNatural Environment Research Council (NERC) … Wikipedia
The fMRI Data Centre — (fMRIDC) is a public repository of neuroimaging data. The initial idea was that scientists publishing neuroimaging studies would deposit their data which would then be freely available to the academic community. Although the majority of datasets… … Wikipedia
Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre — The Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC) is a crystallographic organisation based in Cambridge, England. It is a non profit organisation whose primary role is the compilation and maintenance of the Cambridge Structural Database, a… … Wikipedia
National Oceanographic Data Centre of Cameroon — The National Oceanographic Data Centre (NODC) is a national institute in Cameroon which compiles, analyses and monitors data related to the waters of Cameroon. The institute is a member of the International Oceanographic Data and Information… … Wikipedia
INTEGRAL Science Data Centre — L INTEGRAL Science Data Centre (ISDC) est le centre de données du satellite INTEGRAL. Il est situé à Versoix, en Suisse, proche de l Observatoire de Genève. Lien externe Site officiel Portail de … Wikipédia en Français
Mimas (data centre) — Mimas is a nationally designated academic data centre based at The University of Manchester in the United Kingdom. Its role is to support the advancement of knowledge, powering world class research and teaching. Mimas hosts a significant number… … Wikipedia
centre — cen‧tre [ˈsentə ǁ ər] , center noun [countable] 1. COMMERCE the place where most of the important things connected with a business or activity happen: • Bahrain has become a major international banking centre. centre of … Financial and business terms
Centre Européen D'opérations Spatiales — Siège de l ESOC, à Darmstadt, Allemagne Le Centre européen des opérations spatiales ou en anglais European Space Operations Centre (ESOC), est situé à Darmstadt, en Allemagne est chargé du suivi de toutes les sondes spatiales qui … Wikipédia en Français