- dashiki
- [dəʹʃi:kı] n
дашики, мужская рубашка в африканском стиле (с круглым вырезом и короткими рукавами)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Dashiki — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda En la imagen un grupo de músicos en Ghana, vestidos con dashiki El dashiki es una colorida prenda de vestir para los hombres, ampliamente utilizada en África occidental. Esta cubre la mitad superior del cuerpo y se… … Wikipedia Español
dashiki — 1969, of West African origin … Etymology dictionary
dashiki — ☆ dashiki [dä shē′kē, dəshē′kē ] n. [said to be of Yoruba orig., but prob. coined (1967) by J. Benning, its U.S. manufacturer] a loosefitting, usually brightly colored, robe or tunic modeled after an African tribal garment … English World dictionary
Dashiki — For a summary of clothing worn in all regions of Africa, see Clothing in Africa. A group of drummers wearing dashikis and kufis in Accra, Ghana. The dashiki is a colorful men s garment widely worn in West Africa that covers the top half of the… … Wikipedia
dashiki — {{#}}{{LM D46054}}{{〓}} {{[}}dashiki{{]}} ‹da·shi·ki› {{《}}▍ s.m.{{》}} Túnica de colores vivos y mangas cortas, usada en algunos países africanos: • Ese actor africano suele llevar dashiki.{{○}} … Diccionario de uso del español actual con sinónimos y antónimos
Dashiki — Musiciens ghanéens portant des dashikis Le Dashiki (dachiqui) est un vêtement coloré traditionnel largement répandu en Afrique occidentale … Wikipédia en Français
dashiki — also daishiki noun Etymology: modification of Yoruba dàńṣíkí Date: circa 1968 a usually brightly colored loose fitting pullover garment … New Collegiate Dictionary
dashiki — /deuh shee kee, dah /, n., pl. dashikis. a loose, often colorfully patterned, pullover garment originating in Africa and worn chiefly by men. Also, daishiki. [ < Yoruba dànsíkí < Hausa dán cíkí (with imploded d)] * * * … Universalium
dashiki — noun A loose and brightly colored African shirt … Wiktionary
dashiki — n. loose and brightly colored buttonless long pullover shirt (worn chiefly by men in Africa, the United States and the Caribbean) … English contemporary dictionary
dashiki — (dah SHEE kee) [Yoruba] A loose fitting pullover garment, usually made of brightly colored printed cotton, worn by some African men. While Barry is fond of dashikis and rambling rhetoric, Brimmer is as precise and exacting as the cut of his … Dictionary of foreign words and phrases