Darkly — Dark ly, adv. 1. With imperfect light, clearness, or knowledge; obscurely; dimly; blindly; uncertainly. [1913 Webster] What fame to future times conveys but darkly down. Dryden. [1913 Webster] so softly dark and darkly pure. Byron. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
darkly — (adv.) O.E. deorclice darkly, horribly, foully; see DARK (Cf. dark) + LY (Cf. ly) (2) … Etymology dictionary
darkly — dark|ly [ˈda:kli US ˈda:rk ] adv 1.) in a sad, angry, or threatening way ▪ Fred scowled darkly at her. 2.) having a dark colour ▪ a darkly handsome young man 3.) darkly funny/humorous/comic dealing with something that is bad or upsetting in a… … Dictionary of contemporary English
darkly — adv. Darkly is used with these adjectives: ↑comic, ↑funny, ↑handsome, ↑humorous Darkly is used with these verbs: ↑frown, ↑glitter, ↑hint, ↑mutter, ↑scowl, ↑warn … Collocations dictionary
darkly — adverb 1 in an unpleasant or threatening way: Don t you be too sure, said Marcus darkly. 2 with a dark colour: Philip flushed darkly … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
darkly — adverb 1. without light (Freq. 1) the river was sliding darkly under the mist • Syn: ↑in darkness • Derived from adjective: ↑dark 2. in a dark glowering menacing manner he stared darkly at her … Useful english dictionary
darkly — /dahrk lee/, adv. 1. so as to appear dark. 2. vaguely; mysteriously. 3. in a vaguely threatening or menacing manner: He hinted darkly that we had not heard the last of the matter. 4. imperfectly; faintly. [bef. 1000; ME derkly, OE deorclice (in… … Universalium
darkly — dark|ly [ darkli ] adverb 1. ) in an angry and threatening way 2. ) in a dark color: A figure stood darkly outlined against the window … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
darkly — UK [ˈdɑː(r)klɪ] / US [ˈdɑrklɪ] adverb 1) in an angry and threatening way 2) in a dark colour A figure stood darkly outlined against the window … English dictionary
darkly — dark•ly [[t]ˈdɑrk li[/t]] adv. 1) so as to appear dark 2) vaguely; mysteriously 3) in a vaguely threatening or menacing manner: to hint darkly of hidden dangers[/ex] 4) imperfectly; faintly • Etymology: bef. 1000 … From formal English to slang
darkly — dark ► ADJECTIVE 1) with little or no light. 2) of a deep or sombre colour. 3) (of skin, hair, or eyes) brown or black. 4) secret or mysterious. 5) (darkest) humorous most remote or uncivilized. 6) depressing or cheerless … English terms dictionary