- dally away
- [ʹdælıəʹweı] phr v
1. зря терять (время)
to dally away one's time - попусту тратить время
2. упускать возможность
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
to dally away one's time - попусту тратить время
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
dally — /ˈdæli / (say dalee) verb (i) (dallied, dallying) 1. to sport or play, especially amorously. 2. to waste time; loiter; delay. –phrase 3. dally away, to let pass in idleness: to dally the hours away. 4. dally with, to play mockingly with; trifle… …
dally — Synonyms and related words: abide, await, bide, bide the issue, bill and coo, caress, copulate, coquet, cosset, cuddle, dabble, dally away, dandle, dawdle, delay, diddle, diddle away, dillydally, doodle, drag, dribble away, drivel away, falter,… … Moby Thesaurus
dally — v.intr. ( ies, ied) 1 delay; waste time, esp. frivolously. 2 (often foll. by with) play about; flirt, treat frivolously (dallied with her affections). Phrases and idioms: dally away waste or fritter (one s time, life, etc.). Etymology: ME f. OF… … Useful english dictionary
dally — [v1] dawdle, delay boondoggle*, drag, fool around, fool with, fritter away, hang about*, horse around*, idle, jerk off*, lag, linger, loiter, lollygag*, play around*, play games with*, procrastinate, put off, putter, tarry, trail, trifle with,… … New thesaurus
dally with — dally [v1] dawdle, delay boondoggle*, drag, fool around, fool with, fritter away, hang about*, horse around*, idle, jerk off*, lag, linger, loiter, lollygag*, play around*, play games with*, procrastinate, put off, putter, tarry, trail, trifle… … New thesaurus
Dally — Dal ly (d[a^]l l[y^]), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Dallied} (d[a^]l l[i^]d); p. pr. & vb. n. {Dallying}.] [OE. dalien, dailien; cf. Icel. pylja to talk, G. dallen, dalen, dahlen, to trifle, talk nonsense, OSw. tule a droll or funny man; or AS. dol… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Dally — Dal ly, v. t. To delay unnecessarily; to while away. [1913 Webster] Dallying off the time with often skirmishes. Knolles. [1913 Webster] || … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
dally — dallier, n. dallyingly, adv. /dal ee/, v., dallied, dallying. v.i. 1. to waste time; loiter; delay. 2. to act playfully, esp. in an amorous or flirtatious way. 3. to play mockingly; trifle: to dally with danger. v.t. 4. to waste (time) (usually… … Universalium
dally — dal•ly [[t]ˈdæl i[/t]] v. lied, ly•ing 1) to waste time; loiter; delay 2) to act playfully, esp. in an amorous or flirtatious way 3) to play mockingly; trifle: to dally with danger[/ex] 4) to waste (time) (usu. fol. by away) • Etymology:… … From formal English to slang
dally — v. n. 1. Trifle, dawdle, lose time, waste time, idle away time, fritter away time. 2. Fondle, toy, interchange caresses … New dictionary of synonyms
dally — to copulate with extramaritally Originally, to talk idly, but in this usage men do it more than women: On the night of the divorce he was out with Australian harpie with whom he dallied for a year or two. (Private Eye, April 1981)… … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms