- dactyl
- [ʹdæktıl] n
1. стих. дактиль2. зоол. палец (животного)3. зоол. камнеточец; особ. фолада (Pholas dactylus)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Dactyl — may refer to: Dactyl (mythology), a creature in Greek mythology Dactyl (poetry), a metrical foot consisting of one long syllable and two short Dactyl (moon), the small natural satellite orbiting the asteroid Ida Finger, in medical terminology,… … Wikipedia
dactyl- — dactyl(o) , dactyle éléments, du gr. daktulos, doigt . ⇒DACTYL(O) , (DACTYL , DACTYLO )élément préf. Élément préf. tiré du gr. « doigt », entrant dans la compos. de mots savants dont certains sont devenus d emploi courant. I. Adjectif : dactylé,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
dactyl — dac tyl (d[a^]k t[i^]l), n. [L. dactylus, Gr. da ktylos a finger, a dactyl. Cf. {Digit}.] 1. (Pros.) A poetical foot of three sylables ( [crescent] [crescent]), one long followed by two short, or one accented followed by two unaccented; as, L. t[ … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Dactyl — beschreibt einen Asteroidenmond, siehe Dactyl (Mond) eine Kreatur in der griechischen Mythologie, siehe Idäische Daktylen Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort bezeichneter Begri … Deutsch Wikipedia
dactyl — [dak′təl] n. [ME dactil < L dactylus < Gr daktylos, a finger or (by analogy with the three joints of a finger) a dactyl] 1. a metrical foot consisting, in Greek and Latin verse, of one long syllable followed by two short ones, or, as in… … English World dictionary
Dactyl... — Dactyl... (v. gr. Daktylos, Finger), daher die folgenden Zusammensetzungen … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
dactyl — (n.) metrical foot, late 14c., from Gk. dactylos, lit. finger (also toe ), of unknown origin; the metrical use (a long syllable followed by two short ones) is by analogy with the three joints of a finger … Etymology dictionary
dactyl — ► NOUN Poetry ▪ a metrical foot consisting of one stressed syllable followed by two unstressed syllables. DERIVATIVES dactylic adjective. ORIGIN Greek daktulos finger (the three bones of the finger corresponding to the three syllables) … English terms dictionary
Dactyl — Cet article concerne la lune astéroïdale. Pour les créatures mythologiques, voir Dactyles. Dactyl … Wikipédia en Français
dactyl — /dak til/, n. 1. Pros. a foot of three syllables, one long followed by two short in quantitative meter, or one stressed followed by two unstressed in accentual meter, as in gently and humanly. 2. a finger or toe. [1350 1400; ME < L dactylus < Gk… … Universalium
Dactyl — /dak til/, n., pl. Dactyls, Dactyli / ti luy /. Class. Myth. any of a number of beings dwelling on Mount Ida and working as metalworkers and magicians. Also, Daktyl. [ < Gk Dáktyloi (Idaîoi) (Idaean) craftsmen or wizards (pl. of DÁKTYLOS; see… … Universalium