- cytochimera
- [͵saıtəkaıʹmı(ə)rə] n биол.
цитохимера, клеточная химера, организм из генетически различных клеток
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
cytochimera — n. [Gr. kytos, container; chimaera, monster] The same combination of tissues or parts of tissue having different chromosome numbers … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
cytochimera — cy·to·chimera … English syllables
cytochimera — ¦sīd.ōˌ noun Etymology: New Latin, from cyt + chimera : an individual (as a plant, an organ, or a tissue) having cells of varied genetic constitution and especially of various ploidy levels … Useful english dictionary