- cynosure
- [ʹsınəzjʋə] n
1. (Cynosure) астр.1) Малая Медведица (созвездие)2) Полярная звезда2. путеводная звезда3. центр внимания
to be the cynosure of all eyes - привлекать к себе всеобщее внимание
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
to be the cynosure of all eyes - привлекать к себе всеобщее внимание
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Cynosure — Cy no*sure (s? n? sh?r or s?n ? sh?r; 277), n. [L. Cynosura theconstellation Cynosure, Gr. ????? dog s tail, the constellation Cynosure; ????, ????, dog + o yra tail. See{Cynic}.] 1. The constellation of the Lesser Bear (Ursa Minor), to which, as … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
cynosure — ⇒CYNOSURE, subst. fém. Graminée des pays tempérés ,,caractérisée par une bractée foliacée à la base de chaque épillet (d apr. HOEFER 1850) dont les fleurs unilatérales sont disposées en épi, rappelant la forme d une queue de chien, et dont le… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Cynosure — may refer to: Cynosure (comics), fictional pan dimensional city that exists within the First Comics multiverse Cynosura, nymph in Greek mythology Cynosura, another name for the pole star Polaris This disambiguation page lists articles associated… … Wikipedia
cynosure — 1590s, from M.Fr. cynosure (16c.), from L. Cynosura, lit. dog s tail, the constellation (now Ursa Minor) containing the North Star, the focus of navigation, from Gk. kynosoura, lit. dog s tail, from kyon (gen. kynos; see CANINE (Cf. canine)) +… … Etymology dictionary
cynosure — meaning ‘a centre of attraction or admiration’, is pronounced sin ǝ syooǝ or siyn ǝ syooǝ. Its earlier meaning ‘guid ing star’ related to its use as the name of a constellation, and the current meaning is immortalized by Milton s phrase The… … Modern English usage
cynosure — index highlight, landmark (conspicuous object) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
cynosure — CYNOSURE. sub. fém. Nom d une constellation. On l appelle encore la Petite Ourse … Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798
cynosure — ► NOUN ▪ a person or thing that is the centre of attention or admiration. ORIGIN originally denoting the constellation Ursa Minor, or the pole star which it contains: from Greek kunosoura dog s tail (also Ursa Minor ) … English terms dictionary
cynosure — [sī′nə shoor΄, sin′əshoor΄] n. [L < Gr kynosoura, dog s tail, constellation of Ursa Minor < kyōn (see HOUND1) + oura, tail: see URO 2] 1. [C ] former name for the constellation Ursa Minor or the North Star which is in this constellation 2.… … English World dictionary
cynosure — noun /ˈsaɪnəˌʃʊr/ a) That which serves to guide or direct. let faith be your cynosure to walk by b) Something that is the center of attention; an object that serves as a focal point of attraction and admiration. The rooms were brilliant with… … Wiktionary
cynosure — noun Etymology: Middle French & Latin; Middle French, Ursa Minor, guide, from Latin cynosura Ursa Minor, from Greek kynosoura, from kynos oura, literally, dog s tail Date: 1565 1. capitalized the northern constellation Ursa Minor; also North Star … New Collegiate Dictionary