- cyclops
- [ʹsaıklɒ|ps] n (pl -pes, -pses [-{ʹsaıklɒ}psız])
1. греч. миф. Циклоп, Киклоп (одноглазый великан)2. (cyclops) pl зоол. циклопы (Copepoda gen.)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Cyclops — Cyclops … Wikipédia en Français
Cyclops — ► NOUN 1) (pl. Cyclops, Cyclopses, or Cyclopes) Greek Mythology a member of a race of savage one eyed giants. 2) (cyclops) a minute freshwater crustacean which has a cylindrical body with a single central eye. ORIGIN from Greek Kukl … English terms dictionary
Cyclops — Cy clops (s? kl?ps), n. sing. & pl. [L. Cyclops, Gr. Ky klwps (strictly round eyed), pl. Ky klwpes; ky klos circle + w ps eye.] 1. (Gr. Myth.) One of a race of giants, sons of Neptune and Amphitrite, having but one eye, and that in the middle of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Cyclops — (Hüpferling), s. Ruderfüßer … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Cyclops — [griechisch], Gattung der Ruderfußkrebse … Universal-Lexikon
cyclops — (pl. cyclopes), 1510s, from Latin, from Gk. kyklops, lit. round eyed, from stem of kyklos (see CYCLE (Cf. cycle) (n.)) + ops (see EYE (Cf. eye) (n.)). One of a race of one eyed giants who forged thunderbolts for Zeus, built the walls of Mycenae,… … Etymology dictionary
Cyclops — a mythological one eyed giant, is pronounced siy klops, and its plural is Cyclopes, pronounced siy kloh peez … Modern English usage
Cyclops — [sī′kläps΄] n. pl. Cyclopes [sī klō′pēz΄] [L < Gr Kyklōps, lit., round eyed < kyklos (see WHEEL) + ōps, EYE] Gr. Myth. any of a race of giants who have only one eye, in the middle of the forehead … English World dictionary
Cyclops — Cyclops … Wikipédia en Français
Cyclops — Polyphemus, by Johann Heinrich Wilhelm Tischbein, 1802 (Landesmuseum Oldenburg) This article is about the mythical creature. For other uses, see Cyclops (disambiguation). A cyclops ( … Wikipedia
Cyclops — Hüpferlinge Hüpferling (Cyclops) Systematik Klasse: Maxillopoda Unterklasse … Deutsch Wikipedia