- cutrate
1> _ам. продаваемый по пониженной цене
2> _ам. производящий продажу уцененных товаров
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Remote Control (game show) — Remote Control is a TV game show that ran on MTV for five seasons from 1987 until 1990. It was MTV s first original non musical program. New episodes were made for first run syndication in 1989. Three contestants answered trivia questions on… … Wikipedia
nominal — nom·i·nal / nä mən əl/ adj 1: existing or being something in name or form but usu. not in reality defenses...raised by the corporation as nominal defendant in a derivative suit R. C. Clark 2: being so small or trivial as to be a mere token… … Law dictionary
reduction — n 1. decrease, decreasing, loss, lessening, decline, cutback, rollback, decrement, decre scence, depression; abbreviation, diminution, subtraction, subduction, shortening, condensing, condensation, compressing, compression, contracting,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
flimsy — [adj1] not strong; light, thin chiffon, cutrate*, decrepit, defective, delicate, diaphanous, feeble, fragile, frail, gauzy, gossamer, house of cards*, inadequate, infirm, insubstantial, meager, papery, rickety, rinkydink*, shaky, shallow, sheer,… … New thesaurus
low — [adj1] close to the ground; short below, beneath, bottom, bottommost, crouched, decumbent, deep, depressed, flat, ground level, inferior, junior, lesser, level, little, lowering, low hanging, low lying, low set, minor, nether, not high, profound … New thesaurus
a|rid|i|ty — «uh RIHD uh tee», noun. 1. no pl. arid condition; dryness; barrenness: »Aridity is increased by high evaporation, low humidity, strong winds (which remove humid air) and by low pressure (R. N. Elston). 2. no pl. Figurative. lack of interest, life … Useful english dictionary