- custumal
- 1. [ʹkʌstjʋməl] = customary I и II 2. [ʹkʌstjʋməl] = customary I и II
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Custumal — A custumal is a medieval English document, usually edited and composed over time, that stipulates the economic, political, and social customs of a manor or town. [1] Contents 1 Manorial Custumals 2 Borough Custumals 3 … Wikipedia
custumal — /kus choo meuhl/, n. a customary. [1375 1425; 1560 70 for current sense; late ME (as adj.) < ML custumalis, a Latinization of OF costumel customary, usual, equiv. to costume CUSTOM + el AL1] * * * … Universalium
custumal — noun A survey of a medieval English manor, listing each tenant and the customs under which the tenancy was held … Wiktionary
Custumal — Legal document itemising such things as the duties of a *reeve on a particular estate; also those of other manorial officers. Such documents were closely associated with the estate s *extent. Cathedrals also had such a document; this was referred … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases
custumal — [ kʌstjʊm(ə)l] noun historical a written account of the customs of a manor or local community. Origin C16: from med. L. custumale customs book … English new terms dictionary
Custumal — 1) Written collection of manorial customs. (Bennett, Judith M. Women in the Medieval English Countryside, 234) 2) Document listing obligations and rights of tenants. (Gies, Frances and Joseph. Life in a Medieval Village, 244) … Medieval glossary
custumal — cus·tu·mal … English syllables
custumal — /ˈkʌstjəməl/ (say kustyuhmuhl) adjective 1. → customary (def. 3). –noun 2. → customary (defs 4 and 5). {Medieval Latin custumālis, Latinisation of Old French costumel customary} …
custumal — … Useful english dictionary
Cockerham — Coordinates: 53°57′58″N 2°48′53″W / 53.966067°N 2.814838°W / 53.966067; 2.814838 … Wikipedia
ANJOU — (Heb. אניו), ancient province and former duchy in western France. In the Middle Ages the Jews of Anjou lived mainly in angers , the capital, and in Baugé, Saumur, Segré, and perhaps also in the hamlets called Rue Juif, 3 mi. (5 km.) northeast of… … Encyclopedia of Judaism