- curtana
- [kɜ:|ʹtɑ:nə,-{kɜ:}ʹteınə] n
«меч милосердия», меч со срезанным остриём, который несут перед королём Великобритании во время коронации как эмблему милосердия
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
CURTANA — aliis Curtein, Eduardi Confessoris gladius, qui in inauguratione Angliae Regum coeteris praefertur, a Comite Cestriae, Match. Paris. in Henrico III. sub A. C. 1236. Sic Arthuri Regis gladius Caliburn et Ron dictus fertur. Spelmannus. Ceterum… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Curtana — Cur*ta na (k?r t? n?), n. The pointless sword carried before English monarchs at their coronation, and emblematically considered as the sword of mercy; also called the {sword of Edward the Confessor}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Curtana — Curtana, das Schwert Eduards des Bekenners, wird den engl. Königen bei der Krönung vorangetragen … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
Curtana — This article is about the sword. For the fictional character, see Cortana. Curtana, also Cortana or Courtain, is a Latinized form of the Anglo French curtein, from Latin curtus, shortened , used for a ceremonial type of sword. Famous curtanas For … Wikipedia
curtana — [kə: tα:nə, teɪnə] noun the unpointed sword carried in front of English sovereigns at their coronation to represent mercy. Origin ME: from Anglo Latin curtana (spatha) shortened (sword) , from OFr. cortain, the name of the sword belonging to… … English new terms dictionary
Curtana — On of the royal swords of England, used in the Coronation ceremony. ♦ Coronation Ceremony Reference (14th 15th C.) ♦ The sword curtana was the pointless sword of mercy (as opposed to the pointed sword of justice) borne before the English king at… … Medieval glossary
curtana — n. Brit. an unpointed sword borne before English sovereigns at their coronation, as an emblem of mercy. Etymology: ME f. AL curtana (spatha sword) f. AF curtain, OF cortain name of Roland s similar sword f. cort short (as CURT) … Useful english dictionary
curtana — noun A short sword used for ceremonial purposes … Wiktionary
Curtana — The blunt sword carried at the coronation of the monarch symbolising justice without vengefulness: having no point was a sign of mercy. It is sometimes referred to as the sword of Edward the Confessor. [< Lat. curtus = cut short] Cf. Armes… … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases
curtana — pl.f. curtane … Dizionario dei sinonimi e contrari
Curtana — One of the royal swords of England, during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, that was used in the Coronation ceremony … The writer's dictionary of science fiction, fantasy, horror and mythology