
1. [ʹkɜ:tn] n
1. занавеска; штора; портьера

to draw the curtain - задёрнуть или отдёрнуть занавеску

2. театр.
1) занавес

curtain time - время начала спектакля, концерта и т. п.

the curtain rises [falls, drops] at eight sharp - занавес поднимается [опускается, падает] ровно в восемь [ср. тж. ]

curtain up [down]! - поднять [опустить] занавес!

to ring the curtain up - дать звонок к поднятию занавеса

2) поднятие занавеса; начало спектакля

five minutes before /until/ curtain - пять минут до начала спектакля /представления/

3) опускание занавеса; конец спектакля
3. завеса

curtain of fire [of smoke] - воен. огневая [дымовая] завеса

to draw the curtain on smth. - скрывать /замалчивать/ (что-л.)

to lift /to raise/ the curtain over smth. - приподнять завесу над чем-л.

4. pl сл.
1) конец (карьеры и т. п.)

if your work doesn't improve it will be curtains for you - если ты не станешь лучше работать, тебя выставят

2) смерть; конец
5. (the Curtain) полит. железный занавес

the curtain rises - представление или рассказ начинается [ср. тж. 2]

the curtain falls /drops/ - а) представление /рассказ/ кон чается; б) жизнь подходит к концу; [ср. тж. 2]

behind the curtain - за кулисами

to take the curtain - выходить на аплодисменты

to call before the curtain - вызывать (актёра на сцену)

2. [ʹkɜ:tn] v

to curtain a window - занавесить окно

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "curtain" в других словарях:

  • curtain — [kʉrt′ n] n. [ME & OFr cortine < LL(Ec) cortina, lit. a cauldron, enclosing circle of a theater, curtain (< IE base * (s)ker , to CURVE); used in Vulg. instead of L cors, cohors (see COURT) to translate Gr aulaia, curtain (esp. in a… …   English World dictionary

  • Curtain — Cur tain (k[^u]r t[i^]n; 48), n. [OE.cortin, curtin,fr. OF. cortine, curtine, F. courtine, LL. cortina, curtian (in senses 1 and 2), also, small court, small inclosure surrounded by walls, from cortis court. See {Court}.] [1913 Webster] 1. A… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • curtain — (n.) c.1300, from O.Fr. cortine curtain, tapestry, drape, blanket, from L.L. cortina curtain, but in classical Latin round vessel, cauldron, from L. cortem (older cohortem) enclosure, courtyard (see COHORT (Cf. cohort)). The confusion apparently… …   Etymology dictionary

  • curtain — ► NOUN 1) a piece of material suspended at the top to form a screen, hung at a window in pairs or between the stage and auditorium of a theatre. 2) (the curtain) the rise or fall of a stage curtain between acts or scenes. 3) (curtains) informal a …   English terms dictionary

  • curtain up — noun (theatre) The beginning of a performance • • • Main Entry: ↑curtain …   Useful english dictionary

  • Curtain — Cur tain, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Curtained} (k[^u]r t[i^]nd; 48); p. pr. & vb. n. {Curtaining}.] To inclose as with curtains; to furnish with curtains. [1913 Webster] So when the sun in bed Curtained with cloudy red. Milton. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Curtain Up! — (2009) is an announced British stage comedy by Peter Quilter, a reworking of his own all female first play Respecting Your Piers[1] (1998). It is to be re published by Samuel French Ltd. The show is popular[citation needed] with amateur groups in …   Wikipedia

  • curtain — index blind (obscure), camouflage, cessation (termination), cloak, conceal, cover (conceal) …   Law dictionary

  • curtain — [n] window covering blind, decoration, drape, drapery, film, hanging, jalousie, oleo, portiere, rag, roller, screen, shade, shield, shroud, shutter, valance, veil, Venetian blind; concept 444 …   New thesaurus

  • Curtain — For other uses, see Curtain (disambiguation). For religious use, see Veil. Curtains at a Bed Breakfast. A curtain (sometimes known as a drape, mainly in the United States) is a piece of cloth intended to block or obscure light, or drafts, or… …   Wikipedia

  • curtain — curtainless, adj. /kerr tn/, n. 1. a hanging piece of fabric used to shut out the light from a window, adorn a room, increase privacy, etc. 2. a movable or folding screen used for similar purposes. 3. Chiefly New Eng. a window shade. 4. Theat. a …   Universalium

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