- culture pattern
- [ʹkʌltʃə͵pætn]
культурный паттерн; группа взаимосвязанных и более или менее постоянных черт какой-л. культуры (в социологии)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
culture pattern — Anthropol. a group of interrelated culture traits of some continuity. [1930 35] * * * … Universalium
culture pattern — Anthropol. a group of interrelated culture traits of some continuity. [1930 35] … Useful english dictionary
culture pattern — /ˈkʌltʃə pætən/ (say kulchuh patuhn) noun a group of interrelated cultural traits of some continuity …
culture — /kul cheuhr/, n., v., cultured, culturing. n. 1. the quality in a person or society that arises from a concern for what is regarded as excellent in arts, letters, manners, scholarly pursuits, etc. 2. that which is excellent in the arts, manners,… … Universalium
culture area — Anthropol. a region having a distinct pattern of culture. * * * ▪ anthropological concept Introduction also called cultural area, culture province , or ethno geographic area in anthropology, geography, and other social sciences, a… … Universalium
culture — Synonyms and related words: Acheulean, Aurignacian, Azilian, Chellean, Eolithic, Neolithic, Paleolithic, Pre Chellean, Solutrean, acculturation, acquired taste, agrarianism, agricultural geology, agriculture, agrology, agronomics, agronomy,… … Moby Thesaurus
pattern — Synonyms and related words: Geistesgeschichte, Hegelian idea, Kantian idea, Platonic form, Platonic idea, action, actions, activity, acts, address, aesthetic form, affectation, air, anatomy, antetype, antitype, archetype, architectonics,… … Moby Thesaurus
Culture Des Kiribati — Sir Arthur Grimble, bien après Robert Louis Stevenson, a fait connaître au reste du monde cette culture originale, grâce à des émissions populaires sur la BBC et à des livres comme Pattern of Islands. Les travaux scientifiques majeurs ont d abord … Wikipédia en Français
Culture des kiribati — Sir Arthur Grimble, bien après Robert Louis Stevenson, a fait connaître au reste du monde cette culture originale, grâce à des émissions populaires sur la BBC et à des livres comme Pattern of Islands. Les travaux scientifiques majeurs ont d abord … Wikipédia en Français
Culture and Conflict in the Middle East — is a 2008 book by Philip Carl Salzman, a professor of Anthropology at McGill University. Culture and Conflict is an attempt to understand Middle Eastern politics and society as an outcome of the fact that tribal organization central to Arab… … Wikipedia
Culture — For other uses, see Culture (disambiguation). Petroglyphs in modern day Gobustan, Azerbaijan, dating back to 10 000 BCE indicating a thriving culture … Wikipedia