- culch
- [kʌltʃ] n редк.
1. мусор, хлам, отбросы2. раковины моллюсков и т. п., используемые при разведении устриц для оседания молоди
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
culch — [kulch] n. alt. sp. of CULTCH … English World dictionary
culch — /kulch/, n. 1. the stones, old shells, etc., forming an oyster bed and furnishing points of attachment for the spawn of oysters. 2. the spawn of oysters. 3. Also, sculch. Eastern New Eng. rubbish; refuse. v.t. 4. to prepare (an oyster bed) with… … Universalium
culch — 1. noun a) The rocks, crushed shells, and other sea detritus that create an oyster bed, where oyster spawn can attach themselves. b) The accumulation of small household items of little value. ( … Wiktionary
culch — /kʌltʃ/ (say kulch) noun 1. the stones, old shells, etc., forming an oyster bed and furnishing points of attachment for the spawn of oysters. 2. the spawn. 3. rubbish; refuse. –verb (t) 4. to prepare (an oyster bed) with culch. Also, cultch.… …
culch — noun see cultch … New Collegiate Dictionary
culch — noun variant spelling of cultch … English new terms dictionary
culch — Rubbage and refuse of every form … Grandiloquent dictionary
culch — lumber, stuff, rubbish. Kent … A glossary of provincial and local words used in England
culch — variant of cultch … Useful english dictionary
cultch — noun or culch ˈkəlch ( es) Etymology: perhaps from a French dialect form of French couche couch, bed, from Old French culche, couche more at couch 1. a … Useful english dictionary
Oyster farming — Harvesting oysters from the pier at Cancale, Brittany, France 2005 Oyster farming is an aquaculture (or mariculture) practice in which oysters are raised for human consumption. Oyster farming most likely developed in tandem with pearl farming, a… … Wikipedia