
[ʹkʌbıhəʋl] n
1. 1) комнатка, комнатёнка, каморка
2) квартирка (обыкн. малогабаритная)
2. 1) гнездо для бумаг (в бюро и т. п.)
2) категория, «полочка»

T. S. Eliot was a poet who could not be placed into an easily marked cubbyhole - Т. С. Элиота как поэта трудно было подвести под какую-л. категорию

3. = cubby-house 1

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "cubbyhole" в других словарях:

  • cubbyhole — n. a small compartment. Syn: pigeonhole. [WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • cubbyhole — (n.) 1825, the first element possibly from a dim. of cub stall, pen, cattle shed, coop, hutch (1540s), a dialect word with apparent cognates in Low Ger. (Cf. E.Fris. kubbing, Du. kub). Or related to cuddy small room, cupboard (1793), originally… …   Etymology dictionary

  • cubbyhole — ► NOUN ▪ a small enclosed space or room. ORIGIN originally meaning straw basket : related to dialect cub «stall, pen, hutch» …   English terms dictionary

  • cubbyhole — [kub′ē hōl΄] n. [dim. < Brit dial. cub, little shed (akin to MHG kobe, cage, stall: for IE base see COVE1) + HOLE] 1. a small, enclosed space or room that confines snugly or uncomfortably 2. a small, open compartment as in a desk; pigeonhole:… …   English World dictionary

  • cubbyhole — UK [ˈkʌbɪˌhəʊl] / US [ˈkʌbɪˌhoʊl] noun [countable] Word forms cubbyhole : singular cubbyhole plural cubbyholes 1) a very small room or space in a building, usually used for storing things in 2) one of a set of small boxes with open fronts on a… …   English dictionary

  • Cubbyhole — Cubby Cub by (k?b b?), Cubbyhole Cub by*hole ( h?l ), n. [See {Cub} a stall.] A snug or confined or secluded place; a small room or a snug space within a room. Syn: snuggery, snug. [1913 Webster +PJC] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • cubbyhole — noun the glass partitioned cubbyhole he called an office Syn: small room, booth, cubicle; den; informal cubby …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • cubbyhole — noun Date: circa 1842 a small snug place (as for hiding or storage); also a cramped space …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • cubbyhole — /kub ee hohl /, n. 1. pigeonhole. 2. a small, snug place. [1835 45; CUBBY + HOLE] * * * …   Universalium

  • cubbyhole — noun a) A small, cramped room. b) A small compartment; a pigeonhole …   Wiktionary

  • cubbyhole — Synonyms and related words: alcove, asylum, bay, bolt hole, cache, carrel, concealment, corner, cove, cover, covert, coverture, cranny, cubby, cubicle, dark corner, den, doghouse, dugout, foxhole, funk hole, hideaway, hideout, hidey hole, hiding …   Moby Thesaurus

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