- cubbish
- [ʹkʌbıʃ] a
1) неуклюжий, неловкий2) дурно воспитанный
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
cubbish — adj. clumsy; ill bred … English contemporary dictionary
cubbish — cub·bish … English syllables
cubbish — … Useful english dictionary
cub — cubbish, adj. /kub/, n., v. cubbed, cubbing. n. 1. the young of certain animals, as the bear, lion, or tiger. 2. a young shark. 3. a young and inexperienced person, esp. a callow youth or young man. 4. a young person serving as an apprentice. 5.… … Universalium
cub — /kʌb / (say kub) noun 1. the young of certain animals, as the fox, bear, etc. 2. (humorous) an awkward or uncouth youth. 3. a novice or apprentice, especially a cub reporter. 4. (sometimes upper case) → Cub Scout. {variant of cob1} –cubbish,… …
cub — [kub] n. [Early ModE cubbe, young fox < ? OIr cuib, whelp] 1. a young fox, wolf, bear, lion, tiger, whale, etc. 2. an inexperienced, awkward youth 3. Old fashioned a novice newspaper reporter 4. [C ] CUB SCOUT cubbish adj … English World dictionary
unco-operative — adj unhelpful, awkward, obstinate, stubborn, rude, unpleasant, cubbish COLLOQ. stroppy, bloody minded ≠ co operative, helpful, amenable, pleasant * * * unco opˈerative (↑co operative) uncoopˈerative adj(1) • • • Main Entry: ↑un … Useful english dictionary
cubbishly — adverb see cubbish … Useful english dictionary