- cuban
- 1. [ʹkju:bən] n
кубинец; кубинка2. [ʹkju:bən] a
the Cubans - собир. кубинцы
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
the Cubans - собир. кубинцы
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Cuban — may refer to: Something of, from, or related to Cuba, a country in the Caribbean Cubans, people from Cuba, or of Cuban descent. For more information about the Cuban people, see Demographics of Cuba and Culture of Cuba. For specific persons, see… … Wikipedia
Cuban — Cu ban (k[=u] ban), prop. a. Of or pertaining to Cuba or its inhabitants. n. A native or an inhabitant of Cuba. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Cuban — Cuban, Mineralform, krystallisirt im tesseralen System, messinggelb, spröde, Härte 4, spec. Gewicht 4,0–4,1; ist eine Verbindung von Kupferkies u. Magnetkies; findet sich bei Bacaranao auf Cuba … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
cuban — CUBÁN, Ă, cubáni, e, s.m. şi f. Cubanez (1.). (cf. fr. cubain) Trimis de tavi, 19.11.2007. Sursa: DOOM … Dicționar Român
cuban — heel (broad based heel used on women’s shoes) … Eponyms, nicknames, and geographical games
Cuban — Strukturformel Allgemeines Name Cuban Andere Namen Pentacyclo[ … Deutsch Wikipedia
Cuban — [[t]kju͟ːbən[/t]] ♦♦♦ Cubans 1) ADJ Cuban means belonging or relating to Cuba, or to its people or culture. 2) N COUNT A Cuban is a Cuban citizen, or a person of Cuban origin … English dictionary
Cuban — 1. noun /ˈkjuːbən,ˈkjʉː.bən,ˈkjuː.bən,ˈkju.bən/ A person from Cuba or of Cuban descent. 2. adjective /ˈkjuːbən,ˈkjʉː.bən,ˈkjuː.bən,ˈkju.bən/ Of, from, or pertaining to Cuba, the Cuban people or the Cuban dialect … Wiktionary
Cuban — Cu|ban [lat. cubus = ↑ Würfel ↑ an (1)], das; s; Syn.: Tetraprisman: C8H8; ein pentacycl. Kohlenwasserstoff (↑ Käfigverbindung), Smp. 131 °C, der sich leicht in andere polycycl. Verb. umlagert. * * * Cub … Universal-Lexikon
Cuban — adj. Cuban is used with these nouns: ↑cigar … Collocations dictionary
Cuban — adj. & n. adj. of or relating to Cuba, an island republic in the Caribbean, or its people. n. a native or national of Cuba. Phrases and idioms: Cuban heel a moderately high straight heel of a man s or woman s shoe … Useful english dictionary